Chapter 2

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The sounds of fighting were everywhere as Zeh Skurn searched for a way she could get a ship and evade this massacre. Unfortunately with all the fire and Storm Troopers with blasters that didn't seem like it was going to happen. In fact they were close enough to see her now and she quickly activated the jets on her boots to fly up to a roof before taking out her blaster and firing down on them. Her armor gained new scorch marks as the retaliation blasts hit her and the more enemies she shot down the more that came to take her out.

"Where's that Jedi when you need him?" Skurn growled to herself as a blast narrowly missed her neck.

She took out several more Storm Troopers before jumping off the roof and doing a flip in the air, landing on her feet, Skurn took out a dagger and started her deadly dance as she weaved in and out of the enemies around her. Now that she was this close their guns where basically useless, or at least their aim was worse considering the way they would have to hold their blasters to aim. For a few moments Skurn actually believed she would be able to get out of this situation alive... perhaps even unscathed if she didn't count the marks to her armor. But then the Storm Troopers retreated and an invisible force sent her flying a few feet through the air before she landed heavily on the ground.

Skurn groaned and turned her head to see famous Kylo Ren striding towards her, his wicked lightsaber glowed cruelly in his hand as he closed in for the kill. She backed away and scrambled to her feet before putting her dagger away and taking out her stolen lightsaber, the red blade reflected off her armor as she faced the Sith, who had stopped slightly at her unusual weapon. Taking the fleeting opportunity, she charged at him. The sound of the weapons crashing together with force shocked her; this man was fast. She was shoved back and quickly pursued as Kylo Ren kept up his attacks, striking in one spot before lashing out at another, barely giving her time to dodge.

"Give me a break, I was just trying to get home..." Skurn panted as she ducked under a swing that could've taken off her head.

His lightsaber came at her again and she raised hers up in defense... too slow... the blade burned for a moment as it hit her armor. Luckily it was specialized and designed from Cortosis metal, which did its job and the red glow from the Sith's weapon disappeared. He cursed, his voice robotic through the mask, before raising his hand. Skurn flew back again and landed on the ground with the breath knocked out of her. Kylo stalked towards her once more, she could almost feel the anger pulsing out of him.

"You pathetic bounty hunter." Kylo hissed and kept his hand out to keep her in place. "What did you do?"

Skurn felt fear rushing through her more than ever before as she struggled to move, she managed a small movement towards her dropped lightsaber but her opponent caught the movement and stepped onto her hand. A small crack reached her ears followed by the pain in her skull increasing... and then everything was gone. The pain disappeared, Kylo was on the ground a few yards away, and she found she could once again move freely. Not that she did, her body was trembling from the force of energy it had released and already she could feel it waiting to act again, Skurn glanced at the broken circle on her hand. What now? Without that the energy would go out of control, she needed it, without that part of her suit the pain of holding it back would take over...

"Who are you?" The Sith had already gotten to his feet and walked over to her, his lightsaber activated once more. "Tell me!"

Raw anger and frustration seemed to almost be visible in the air as he held his weapon to her neck. Skurn stayed silent, her hands in fists from the fear of the strange ability she had taking over again; it would be better if she died now. At least then the pain would stop.

"Answer me bounty hunter!" Kylo Ren kicked her in the side and Skurn gave a hiss of pain before curling up into a ball.

A Storm Trooper approached and stopped a few feet from Kylo Ren. "We have the villagers gathered... there's no sign of the Jedi but we have the pilot."

She swore the frustration that tainted the air increased as a blur of red sliced through the Storm Trooper and separated the head from the body. Her breathing became more panicked as she scooted away, the dark figure turned to her.

"Get up, if you try to run I will kill you." He held his lightsaber threateningly and she obeyed carefully.

Zeh Skurn limped in front of him, being shoved to move faster occasionally, before reaching the middle of town where Kylo Ren forced her onto the ground with the rest of them... and unfortunately it was beside the pilot. The air was filled with the sound and smell of buildings burning as the First Order gathered in front of the group with their notorious Sith standing in front of them staring at the crowd.

"Kill them." Kylo ordered before pointing straight at Skurn and the pilot. "Except them, bring them, they have valuable information."

Skurn watched as the white-armored Storm Troopers opened fire upon the innocent crowds but didn't put up a struggle as she was roughly dragged to her feet and taken to the ship where she was once again forced to sit down with the pilot beside her under the watchful eyes of the Storm Troopers.

"So, who hired you to work for them?" The pilot asked. "Some third party trying to take advantage of the fighting?"

She couldn't help but feel a spark of annoyance at the question as she sneered back the answer. "None of your business. Who I work for is a knowledge only my client and I need to know."

"No talking." One of the identically dressed Storm Troopers commanded.

"Make me!" Skurn snapped before losing her ability to breath as Kylo walked in with his hand up towards her.

"Such spirit." He growled, as he got closer. "The First Order will break it soon enough."

"No matter what you do to me, I'll tell you nothing." The pilot spat.

The pressure on her throat left and Skurn gasped for oxygen as the Sith turned to glare at the man, who winced a bit. "Poe Dameron... you will tell me, perhaps not willingly, but I will get the information out of your head."

She watched him walk off before hearing the pilot, Poe, mutter under his breath. "By then it will be too late... hopefully."

Zeh Skurn wanted to speak but didn't exactly like the looming white armored Storm Troopers so close, nor the fact that she could be choked without being touched if they wanted her to be silent. So, for now, she decided to obey their wishes as be silent. It wasn't like there was much to talk about with a stranger anyway... not to mention she was trying to focus on not blowing them out of the air as the pain increased again, begging to be let out. 

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