Bonus Chapter 1

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A bit of an alternate ending too as you'll see by the next Bonus Chapter!

Han landed his ship at the Resistant base numbly... he had just met his son again only to lose him. Leia would want to know why he was here, not to mention where their son was, the two he and Chewie had landed with sure weren't with these guys but they seemed trust worthy so far. He opened the hatch doors and stepped out to meet the guards, keeping his hands visible near his head to show he didn't prove a threat and was relieved those youngsters behind him were copying his movements.

"State your business here." The lead guard commanded, lowering his weapon slightly as he saw BB-8 at Han's side.

Han lowered his hands to his side. "I'm here to see General Organa with important news and to return this droid who has valuable information for you."

"And them." The man jerked his head towards the three behind him, earning a grumble from Chewie and a glare from Poe.

"They're friends of your Jedi, Alder Solo. They helped me get here." The last part was stretching it but these guards didn't need to know that.

"Follow us." The guard motioned for him and Chewie to follow him before waving a hand at two of his men. "Take that one to be evaluated, make sure they he isn't a spy."

Poe stepped forward. "I'm going with him, he saved my life; I will defend him."

The guard gave him an impatient expression but didn't argue before walking off. "Fine, fine."

Han followed them through the halls with Chewie and the small droid at his side until they reached a door, which didn't look any different than the others, and stopped. The guard knocked twice before stepping back and waiting, though they didn't have to wait long until Leia opened the door.

"Commander, what-" She broke off her question as her eyes met Han. "Why are you here, shouldn't you be smuggling something across the galaxy by now?"

Han gave her his famous look. "Don't be so cold Princess, you'll catch your death with that icy heart."

"Leave us commander." Leia ordered before letting them into the room. "I'll ask again, why are you here?"

"Our son and his new friends stole my ship. When we caught up we were dragged into the Resistance's mess." Han replied, repeating some of what she already knew. "And I couldn't just strand the kids there."

"Alder's back?" Leia visibly relaxed and looked down at BB-8 with a smile. "Then you have the map?"

The droid gave a series of beeps, though they seemed sad. Han cleared his throat. "Leia... I... There was nothing I could do. I should have stayed near him after you left ahead of us... Alder was killed."

His wife froze before she slowly backed away. "No... No, Alder..."

Han walked over to her and pulled Leia against him, she was so strong but now, after losing their last son... He had to tell her who it was who killed him, though she could probably guess. "It was Kylo Ren... he took both of our children now. Him and that apprentice."

She trembled a bit in his arms, though still managed to hold in her tears as she stared up into his eyes. "Our little boy... I should never have let him leave... T-take me to the body."

"That's a bit of a problem." Han looked away for a moment before taking a deep breath. "We couldn't retrieve it without being killed. Poe and Finn, you'll meet him soon enough, were forced to leave him behind."

Leia pulled away and looked out the window in her room, when she spoke her voice had settled. "I refuse to believe my sons are gone, I would feel it. Han, Chewie, bring them back to me."

"Leia... all that's left of Alder is this lightsaber." He pulled out the weapon that Poe had given to him. "And Ben... he's... he's too far gone."

"Don't ever say that again." She growled before turning to face him once more. "You will rest here for a bit and then go bring back our son."

Han mentally sighed; there was no arguing with his stubborn wife, which was why he loved her. "Of course, Princess."

"It's General now."

"You'll always be my Princess." He left the room before she could respond.    

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