Chapter 19

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The pain had faded for so long but now it was coming back with a vengeance. Skurn's lungs were burning and she struggled to move, which was hard considering she'd lost all feeling in her body during the time of peace... she could've sworn she'd seen a strange man in a dream, he'd been telling her something but... she couldn't remember. Slowly she was able to feel again through the pain, she was lying on something cold, the ground maybe? No, it was too flat. Why couldn't she open her eyes? She felt someone's lips on her mouth and jerked a bit, feeling them pull away immediately, and felt weight lift off of her as well.

"Zeh?" A voice reached her ears faintly. "Can you hear me?"

She rolled onto her side and instantly regretted it as the pain worsened and allowed a shout to escape her. She coughed, which only served to increase the pain, before opening her eyes to see Kylo staring down at her with concern.

"You died." He spoke once more once he saw she was conscious.

Skurn felt fear trickle through her, had she really been dead? Well it would explain the lack of pain... and why he had been so close to her. She wished she could move but didn't want to worsen her pain any more than she already had. "Where are we?"

"Another First Order base." He responded before standing up, the low lighting finally revealing the bandage on his face. "Snoke is not pleased with our failure, once you are better we must get the map. The Resistance cannot have hope."

"We took out their Jedi... right? What hope do they have?" Skurn questioned as she forced herself to sit up, clenching her teeth with the pain.

"Stop moving." Kylo gently pushed her back down. "They still have that scavenger, she is strong with the Force despite lack of training and if they reach Skywalker then their hope will only grow."

"I didn't sign up for this." She muttered. "Why does your Master want me alive so badly?"

"It was your destiny." He replied simply before giving her a curious look. "During the last meeting with him, he spoke with you alone... What did he say? I can feel it bothering you, distracting you, that will cost you your life for good in a fight eventually."

"It was nothing." Skurn looked away from his dark gaze.

"Tell me." She scowled at his attempt to use Force influence on her, she might be weak but that didn't make her an idiot.

"He's coming here for a ceremony." It was the partial truth, Snoke had told her they would meet soon for a ceremony. Whether it was here, she wasn't sure but the words felt true. "He will tell you then himself."

Skurn felt her eyes starting to close and struggled to keep them open, why was she so tired if she had been dead? Kylo seemed to notice too judging by his next words. "Get some rest, the medics were able to speed up the healing process but you'll still need plenty of rest for the next few weeks."


He gave her a look that made her trail off. A moment later Kylo left her line of sight, though he was still in the room. "I'll be back later with your new armor, I ordered it to be designed exactly as the destroyed one was... with a few tweaks of course. Someone will wake you up when they bring some food. The faster you get your strength back the faster I can start training you again."

Skurn merely gave a half conscious nod before closing her eyes and once more falling into darkness, though this time she was glad to be aware it wasn't the chilling one of death.

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