Chapter 18

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Kylo blocked another strike from the scavenger woman, why couldn't she just go down like that traitorous Storm Trooper had? He used the Force to shove her back before wincing as his brother, who didn't seem to be giving up despite his wounds, kicked Skurn into his injured side. He grabbed her before she fell but knew it wouldn't be much help, her eyes were glazing over and with every breath she took more blood sprayed in what he would describe as a mist from her chest while her teeth were staining red with it. It was obvious his partner wouldn't last much longer in this fight... and now that the other two were closing it he wouldn't either despite all his power.

"Stay on your feet." He ordered his apprentice before beginning his retreat.

He used the Force to keep the others back again before turning back to the forest, perhaps they would have the advantage in the more crowded spaces between the trees to defeat these rebels. However Kylo quickly noticed he was missing Skurn, with a glance back he found her on the ground in the snow, with was quickly turning crimson. Alder and Rey ignored his apprentice though and continued after him while his father and Chewie went off to the side... probably to find their missing friend, 'Finn', they called that traitor? It didn't matter.

"Zeh Skurn, on your feet or I'll show you what real pain is!" He shouted and deflected the scavenger's attack in frustration.

Kylo saw her force herself back onto her feet and activate her dark sabers once more, holding one in both hands as she tried to get back into the fight. He went back to focusing on his own fight with the scavenger only to see Alder had taken her place, rage in his eyes. He grinned and met his brother blow for blow, which wasn't hard on his part, and drew both of them closer as their blades crossed in an x.

"Brother..." He mocked. "Why don't you listen to me when I tell you to... Just die?"

Alder flinched at his words but continued to press against his attack. "Not until your last breath."

"You are so close to joining the Dark side." Kylo took a step back, drawing his brother to the shadows of the trees above. "Just use your anger, your pain... I can make you strong again."

"I'm strong enough without your help!" His brother shoved him before stepping back and swinging his lightsaber towards Kylo's face.

Kylo allowed the blade to run along his before stopping it just before his blade could hit Alder's eye. "You almost make me laugh, brother."

"My brother is dead!" Alder deactivated his lightsaber and stepped back, regaining control over his emotions much to Kylo's disappointment. "One of these days you and your master... even that bounty hunter, will be killed by the Resistance. When that day comes, my brother's death will be avenged."

Speaking of his apprentice, where was she? The sounds of fighting were gone. He used the Force to hold his brother still as he searched the area around him, and then stopped as he saw the scavenger looking over the edge of the cliff... Surely Skurn hadn't fallen? Explosions distracted that train of thoughts and he turned to look back at the building as the explosives went off, he should have realized those Resistance fighters had been up to something in there... Now their ships would fire down upon them with ease. Fury raced through him and he heard Alder give a cry of agony before crumpling to the ground.

Kylo felt himself being thrown back by the Force and shook his head to clear it before seeing the scavenger walking towards him, had she done that? He prepared for another fight, though his wounds were beginning to get to him, but another explosion caused a fissure to split the ground between the two and sent both of them onto the ground. More pain filled his side as his wound tore open more and he could see three figures heading back towards the Falcon, his father and his Wookie had found the traitor then. Not that it mattered, if they wanted that pathetic man then so be it, FN-2187 would die soon enough of his injuries.

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