Chapter 16

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"What now?" Skurn stared at Kylo as they walked to the training room. "Neither of them are talking... the Resistance won't leave a Jedi to die here."

"They already think he's dead." Kylo assured her." We have nothing to fear from those fools. Now, let's see if your lightsaber can withstand a fight... since you refused to use it on the scavenger."

"I didn't refuse, I said it wasn't a good idea." She retorted, gripping her hilt tightly.

"Do you not have confidence in your abilities." He questioned, activating his own blade and preparing to start the fight.

She held her own weapon at the ready, still not activating it. "I have confidence, but..."

"Something is wrong with it?" She could feel a familiar prickle through her skull as he tried to read her thoughts. "Activate it."

Skurn backed up a few paces and activated it, blades shooting out from both ends of the handle. She saw Kylo stiffen a bit before moving forward, taking off his helmet to reveal eyes that were narrowed slightly in confusion, perhaps? Skurn watched him carefully, trying to judge his thoughts based off his movements.

"What did you do?" He finally spoke; taping his blade experimentally against hers so sparks flew out a bit. "The crystals aren't cracked... but the coloring isn't right."

"I know." She replied, watching as he took the weapon from her and tested it a bit, a whirling sound filled the air as her weapon moved. "I don't know what happened."

Kylo deactivated it and tossed the weapon back to her. "The Kaiburr Crystals seem to have combined while you were meditating over them during the bonding process."

"Is that bad?" She pressed, after all that work she didn't want to start over.

"We shall find out!" He responded, preparing to start the sparing session again. "Your dark saber against my lightsaber. Without its purity this will be very interesting, we might be able to gain another weapon to use against Skywalker and those rebels."

Skurn activated the blade again before blocking his swift strike at her and backing up to look for a new opening. The wall brushed against her back as she was cornered and she could see Kylo's knowing smile as he closed in, ready to finish the fight quickly. But this fight wouldn't end before it had even begun, not after taking hours to make her weapon. Skurn ducked under his next strike and swept her blade at his legs before lunging at him and landing a kick to his stomach. A blur of red barely missed her face as he lashed out in retaliation before she was shoved to the ground with the Force.

"You appear to be getting worse at fighting." He taunted before brining his lightsaber down towards her chest.

She quickly reacted, hitting the locking mechanism so her dark saber became two separate weapons, and blocked his attack with the metal spikes that came from the ends. Skurn smirked as his blade went out. "No, it's a trap."

Kylo glanced down at his now useless weapon before using the Force to toss her into the center of the room. Skurn felt the breath leave her body as she landed, losing one of her sabers as she did so. Pain filled her spine as he dug his knee into it to stop her from escaping, a cold knife blade rested against the back of her neck.

"I believe your 'trap' has failed." He responded smoothly.

Skurn gave a huff as she tried to think of a pain and breathe at the same time, the weight pressing into her lungs too much to actually get much air. Finally she calmed her mind enough and focused as she'd been taught, an agonized scream met her mental attack as the Force bent to her will and Kylo rolled off and onto his side with a pained expression. One hand was on his head while he used the other one to use the Force and knock her to the ground, she winced as her head made contact with the hard floor before feeling her grip on his mind get shoved out and the pain fill her own skull as he drove his mental attack farther.

She reached out and called her dark sabers to her hand before attacking him blindly as dark spots danced across her eyes. He stopped her attack once more with his own lightsaber before retreating from her mind and kicking her back to the ground. Skurn glared up at him, anger burning through her body, before jumping to her feet and twirling her dark sabers. Scorch marks were left on the ground where the blades hit and the two circled each other as they waited for the other to make the first move. When Kylo finally did, she jumped back and went into a series of quick attacks with one saber and defending with the other. She admitted, he was fast, blocking her blows despite only having one lightsaber against her two. But Skurn had been trained to fight in this style; he wouldn't beat her.

With another feint, Skurn ducked under his attempt to dodge her false attack and struck his lightsaber with the end of her hilt, the blade once again flickering out. She aimed at his legs and knocked them out from under him, making sure to deactivate her dark saber to prevent any permanent damage to him as he brought her down with him. The two struggled for a bit but it was obvious he would win after she was pinned down once more. Skurn tried to get out of him grip but gave up knowing it was in vain with her legs and arms trapped or twisted with Kylo's.

"Very good." He said before continuing. "But not good enough."

"Obviously." She muttered and gave him a look of annoyance.

The door opened and she glanced up to see a stern looking man giving them a slightly irritated expression. Skurn hadn't had time to meet many others working for the First Order but she could recognize him as General Hux, mainly because of how often Kylo complained about the man under his breath.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." Hux spoke up, not sounding as if he cared at all. He looked at Kylo as he let her go and she got up. "Your Master would like a word."

"I'll be right there." Kylo assured him as he grabbed his helmet and put it on before turning to her. "Zeh, go check on the prisoners, see how fit they are for another session, then you may rest."

"He demands to see your apprentice as well." Hux corrected.

Skurn stared at the man, pausing as she clipped her dark saber to her belt. Kylo didn't sound surprised but he stiffened as he spoke. "What?"

"You aren't going to question him... are you?" There was a challenge in the man's voice.

Kylo didn't respond to Hux, instead turning to her as she unfroze and fixed the hood of her cloak so it covered her face in shadows. "Follow me." 

Here's another update for May 4th! May the Force be with you!

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