Chapter 5

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Well that had been infuriating for Kylo Ren, who did that pathetic bounty hunter think she was? He scowled under his helmet as he walked down the hall to the other prisoner's cell, he wanted to take his lightsaber and destroy some control panels after his last interrogation but Hux and Snoke wanted that map found and this man could hold the answers... Very well, Kylo could just take his fury out on the pilot.

The Storm Troopers moved aside as he walked past them and entered the room, his eyes immediately fell upon the beaten body of the pilot, a week of torture and the man still hadn't cracked... but he was getting weak. Kylo was sure with one more session the pilot would crack and spill the secret on where Luke Skywalker was, or at least the droid with the map.

"Poe Dameron..." He hissed the name to get the man's attention. "You know why I'm here so tell me what I wish to know."

"If I do that then I die." Poe retorted smartly, like always.

Kylo clenched his fist. "Do not try my patience-"

"Or what? You'll kill me? At least let me say thank you before hand." The pilot raised his head to stare at him.

He whipped out his lightsaber and a split second later had the glowing red blade at Poe's throat. "Oh, I never said we'd kill you. You would be at the edge of death brought back and tortured to the edge again until the day you grew too old to take it!"

"Fair enough." Poe's eyes were wary as he stared at the blade. "Go ahead."

Kylo growled in frustration and smashed his weapon into the wall nearby in anger before glaring at the bloodied man. "Tell me where the map is!"

"Tell me why you took the bounty hunter." Poe stared at him, exhausted from the week's worth of pain taking its toll.

The Knight of Ren paused and stared at the Resistance man, that had been new... why would he want to know about the bounty hunter? Kylo used the Force and went into Poe's mind, not even trying to be gentle as he let his anger loose enough for the pilot to scream. It didn't take long for him to establish two things from reading the pathetic man's mind. One, he had been suspicious of the bounty hunter then concerned when she passed out on the ship with blood running out of her helmet... and more importantly, the second: this man knew nothing of where that stupid little droid was! He hadn't even seen the map! However, there was another side to that... there was a Jedi that might know.

Kylo scowled at Poe's uselessness before whirling around towards the door where the Storm Troopers were standing guard outside. "Get in here now!"

The white and black dressed men glanced at each other before obediently coming into the room. "Yes Lord Ren?"

"FN-2187, I want you to go take this useless Resistance scum for execution." Kylo glanced at the other Storm Trooper, pleased with the fear he brought them. "FN-2297, clean up this cell."

"Right away Lord Ren." They said in unison.

The pilot gave a yelp of pain, though he had tried to hide it, before shouting after Kylo. "Answer me now!"

Kylo paused in his step but didn't look back, considering what was about to happen Kylo supposed he could amuse the man and answer. "The bounty hunter is being taken care of... not that it should matter considering you'll be dead soon."

There were more scream of anger and pain as the prisoner was led away for execution and Kylo smirked under his mask at the sounds of the enraged man... if he hadn't wanted this to be his fate then the pilot shouldn't have gotten himself captured. As much as it burned him to know the unknown Jedi had gotten away, he did have to admit the enemy had been smart in running. Not that running would do any good. Soon that Jedi would be dead, just like the rest of his kind... leaving only Skywalker to take care of.

Much to his further displeasure, Kylo found General Hux standing outside the bounty hunter's cell waiting for him. With a growl he spoke up first to the annoying man. "What do you want?"

"Haven't you been told to watch that temper of yours?" Hux questioned back coldly before continuing. "Snoke requests your presence immediately."

"I just spoke with him."

"Then go speak with him again." Hux hissed and Kylo glared at him before continuing to the meeting room.

One day... one day he would show Hux not to mess with a Knight of Ren. That man would regret everything when that day came, Kylo would make sure of it. That general needed to know who was really in charge here, he had the Force after all, one zap of force lightning, one 'accident' of a force choke lasting too long, or even a too hard force push... It would kill that man. But, unfortunately, Master Snoke wanted General Hux alive. And other than his arrogant personality, Kylo grudgingly admitted Hux was good at his job.

"Master." Kylo bowed to the holographic form of Snoke respectively. "May I ask why you have called another meeting so soon?"

"You may not." Snoke responded coldly before continuing. "General Hux informed me that the bounty hunter is awake, has she joined us?"

Kylo stared his master in the eyes, or where his eyes should be considering they were cast in shadow, before speaking. "She will join us soon, I was about to get her answer before I was called here."

"No map, a useless prisoner, and you haven't convinced the bounty hunter to join us... You better hope she agrees my young apprentice, otherwise the consequence will not be to your liking." And with that threat left hanging in the air, Kylo was left to stare at the empty spot where Snoke had once been.

"Yeah, well, just because she joins doesn't mean she lives." He told the empty room before storming out back to the bounty hunter's cell.

The guards moved aside as he approached before walking into the room as the door slid open. Immediately his eyes fell on the now empty restraints, at least she'd managed that, although some of them clearly had blaster marks on them... should've taken her weapons. Idiotic Storm Troopers, they should've known to do that.

"I passed." The bounty hunter stepped out of the corner of the room, her helmet back on her head instead of on the floor where he'd left it. "Now what?"

"You failed." Kylo stopped walking and stared at her.

"I got out of the restraints didn't I?" He saw on hand get tucked closer to her body as she tightened her crossed arms. "So I passed."

"It was a test of using the Force to escape, not to injure yourself and use a weapon." He retorted.

"I don't have Jedi powers."

"Is that doubt I'm sensing?" He took a threatening step forward right before alarms went off across the building. "Now what?"

"Problems?" He could practically see a smirk through that mask.

Kylo activated his lightsaber. "Come on, don't think of causing trouble or-"

"No, let me guess, you'll kill me?" The bounty hunter followed him as he left the room; logic told him that the only thing that this could mean was the prisoner had escaped... Leave it to a Storm Trooper to mess up a simple task.

He turned to her. "Yes."

"Then you have nothing to worry about. I usually enjoy staying alive... and I am working for the First Order now apparently."

He gave a mental sigh of relief and annoyance, now he'd have to train this stubborn woman? Well at least Snoke wouldn't kill him, Kylo could always make her death look like a training accident, Snoke couldn't hurt him for that."That's correct, now hurry up!"     

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