Chapter 12

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"I'm landing!" Alder shouted as another blast from the following ship grazed the Millennium Falcon.

"I told you to go to lightspeed several hours ago!" Rey growled, steadying herself as the ship rocked to the side. "If you had then we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"They just want their ship back, can't we talk it out, explain why we needed it?" He offered hopelessly.

This time Finn was the one to comment, very sarcastically for a Storm Trooper. "Oh yeah, I bet they'll be so happy. 'Yeah sorry, we had to steal your ship to get home, but now we'll tell you that after being chased half way back!'"

"It was just a suggestion." Alder muttered as BB-8 let out a loud startled beep as the ship narrowly missed another hit. The little droid probably wasn't going to agree with him either.

"They don't want to damage their ship too much, keep flying." Rey instructed.

Alder shook his head. "I'm landing, they'll just keep this up until we get to the Resistance... do you really want that? Besides, this thing had to be repaired twice already, which allowed them to catch up in the first place; I'm going to go into lightspeed. We should just land before we get stuck in space with a broken ship."

They didn't argue any more as he flew lower into Takodana's atmosphere and landed at the edge of the thick line of lush green trees by a cantina, before leaning back in the seat and closing his eyes, his father would be coming soon... What would he think when he saw his son? He felt BB-8 brush against his leg and give a few quiet beeps, seeming to question him. Alder gave a small smile at the little droid and stood up with a slight wince before pulling his hood up and walking to the doors with the other two close behind him.

"Are you alright?" Rey asked, apparently noticing his slowed movements.

He hesitated before turning to face her. "Of course."

"They've landed." Finn announced as he turned away from the windows and back to them. "Let's go 'talk' with them."

Alder led them out, keeping his head tilted down a bit as he walked towards where his father and Chewie were stepping out of their own stolen ship. They stopped a few yards from each other and stared in silence for a few minutes before Han spoke.

"That was my ship you stole." His father was, obviously, not pleased to have his prized possession stolen.

"We needed it to get back home." Rey growled, though she seemed a bit distracted now.

"Yeah, and where's that kid?"

"The Resistance." Finn answered right before Alder could speak.

Han glanced down at BB-8 before looking over at Alder, a knowing look coming into his aging eyes. "Has the Force been with you?"

So his father did recognize him. Alder lowered his hood and raised his eyes to meet his father's... the pain of seeing his son was soon evident in their old gaze. "Not so much, Father."

"You know him?" Rey exclaimed, giving him a look. "Why didn't you tell us this was your father's ship?"

Han gave him one of his sarcastic shocked looks. "Are you embarrassed by your old man now?"

"No..." He mumbled and didn't meet any of their eyes. "I just... You abandoned us. Your own family..."

"Your brother abandoned us first." Han responded dryly. "I wasn't going to watch you go dark too."

That hurt... Alder gave him a light glare. "Well I haven't!"

"Ben had that temper too." Han replied calmly while Chewie gave a small growl of agreement.

"At least he never shot at me." Alder snapped with a glare at Chewie.

Finn cleared his throat and cast a glance at Rey. "Perhaps if we aren't leaving we should go inside?"

Rey jumped at the thought and took the lead towards the cantina, a strange eagerness entering her eyes. "Come on then, we should see if there's any food while we're here too."

"Sounds good to me." Finn agreed.

Alder cast a look at his father, who was now giving him a loving expression behind his normal unphased features. At least Han didn't seem to be seeing him as his brother anymore... he hated it when his mother did. It made him break just a little more each time inside, it should be Ben fighting the First Order; he was the strong one. Then again, how strong would the First Order be without its precious Knight of Ren? Force, why did he have to be so weak?

"Are you okay?" His father whispered with a glance at where Chewie had shot him.

Alder blinked, a bit surprised by his father's sudden concern. "It's fine, just stings a bit."

"Chewie said sorry, he didn't know it was you when he shot." The Wookie gave a sound of agreement and apology.

He just nodded in acceptance and kept walking beside his father, the feeling was so odd... but it felt nice to see the man again. However, that didn't put a rest to the pain of Poe's death or the fact that Rey seemed to be acting a bit strange now that they were here... perhaps he should have BB-8 keep an eye on her.

As you may have noticed this is getting a bit away from the movie's story line. At the time I wrote this I hadn't seen TFA yet so all I had to go off of was the internet, which was actually useful but still not full of too much information, so please don't start pointing out the fact that 'that didn't happen that way' or anything because I already realize that. :)

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