Chapter 17

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"Hey, hey Alder, get up." Someone shook him a bit roughly and he rolled his head to the side with a groan. "Come on, stay with me."

Alder blinked his eyes open slowly, he had been healed five times now, which he took to be five days of being prisoner... He wished they would just let him die, it sent fury searing through his veins that they enjoyed his pain. So, fully prepared for another round of torture he turned his head to face the person who had been shaking him. Surprise flickered in his gaze as he was met by Rey's concerned face, which bore markings that told him she had been through similar pain... a flicker of rage came to life at the thought.

"Can you walk?" Rey spoke again, seeing he was awake.

He nodded and staggered a bit as she released him from the bonds around his wrists and ankles, feeling her steady him before walking towards the door and staring down the halls. A moment later she darted out of the cell and left him to scramble after her. "Rey, wait up! Do you even know where you're going?"

She looked back at him and slowed down a bit to let him catch up. "We are getting out of here."

"Do you know the way?" His voice was less scratchy this time. "What if we run into Storm Troopers, or worse? We don't have any weapons!"

"I can fight without weapons." Rey assured him.

He sighed and looked around. "We better hope you know where you're going then because they'll know we're missing in minutes."

"Then keep up." Alder mentally groaned as she ran off again before he pushed himself to run after her.

Alarms started blaring a few moments later just as he predicted and Alder winced as a blaster bolt nearly hit his leg. A glance behind him revealed Storm Troopers catching up to them as they ran towards a corner, however turning the corner revealed worse danger. He nearly ran into Rey as she skidded to a stop, staring over her shoulder as he backed away gave him a clear view of Kylo Ren walking steadily towards them. He grabbed Rey's hand and turned in the other direction only to see the bounty hunter blocking their path. He prayed they could still make it by the Storm Troopers but turning once more, Alder found they all had blocked the hall they'd ran down and were training their blasters on him and Rey.

"There is no escape." Kylo growled and took a step forward.

Alder took a step back and felt the bounty hunter grab him by the arm. He stared into the mask of the man who had once been his brother as the Knight drew out his red lightsaber and prepared to strike him down. "You don't have to do this... please..."

Skurn released him as if Alder had lashed out at her. He glanced back in confusion but the hood hid any facial features he could use to identify her reactions. A moment later she seemed to regain her composer and a double-sided dark saber, or he thought it was considering the black center, was activated. He swallowed as he stared at the formidable weapon; the bloody glow it gave off was unnatural even if it was a normal lightsaber and not a dark saber.

"Still want to run?" She shifted into the light enough for him to see a cruel smile on her face.

Alder leaned towards Rey and whispered in her ear. "Run... I'll distract them."

With that said he shoved her to the side and lunged at Kylo so she could get passed the darkly dressed man. His distraction didn't last long though and he was quickly thrown off onto the floor. A boot went into his spine, digging into his skin until he gave a cry of pain, and Alder watched helplessly as the Storm Troopers ran after Rey... she would never escape. They were both going to die here, not that it mattered for him, his parents already thought he was dead.

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