chapter 2

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I can't belive this. Is this a nightmare? May be this is some kind of joke

"Is this some kind of joke?"

"No. Varun is a software engineer. He is working in America. Padmini knows his family. She told us about this guy"

Padmini aunty is my father's younger sister.

"Dad please. I dont want to get married right now. I want to be independent before marriage. Nice job with a good salary. And i dont want to get married to a stranger. I dont even this.... hmm... whats his name?"

"Varun" Arun replied.

"Ya. I dont even know this Varun"

"Are you in love with anyone." Dad asked.

"No dad."

"Then whats the problem"

"Dad.. i am only 23."

"So?? Your friend Nisha is married and she is happy. According to your horoscope u have to get married before 24. Your horoscope matches with Varun's. His family is really good. He is well educated. He has a good job. You must agree to this proposal. Thats it. End of discussion. Ok?"

I nodded. I dont even know i was crying until a tear wet my hand. I slowly rose from my chair and went to my room.

I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I dont know what to do. My dreams about my career... My future.. i felt like it all shattered like glass. What if i end up in someone's kitchen. I hate this Varun guy. Why did he come to my life? I am happy with what i am. I cant even imagine a stranger as my husband. I cant disobey my parents. What will i do?

"Anju. Are you ok?" My brother asked through the door.

"Just leave me alone Arun."

"Ok. We all love you. Just remember that. Ok?"

I didnt reply.

"Good night Anju"

"Good night." I muttered.

I decided to call Nisha. She answered the phone on the third ring.

"Hey Anju... whats up?"

"Nisha......" I felt a lump in my throat.

"Hey.. what happened"

"It seems like my marriage is fixed." I cried harder.

"Anju... dont cry. Relax. Take a deep breath and listen. Ok?"

I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.

"Are you listening?"

"Ya" I replied.

"Its not a bad thing. They will only select whats best for you. So trust them."

"But this is a big decision in my life. What if it goes wrong?"

"They select your school, college and many other things. Did any of them go wrong?"


"So trust them. They know whats best. Havent you heard mother.... knows..... best..." She sang the last part tried to lighten up my mood.

"Did you just sing from Tangled?"

"So? Words are important." She laughed.


"So did you decide anything about this proposal?"

"I dont know what to do."

"Did you see him?"

"No. They are coming to see me on sunday."

"Just agree to meet him. There is no harm in that. If you dont like him we will make your parents understand."

"Ok. Thanks for being there for me."

"How many times have i told you there is no need of thanks between friends?" She scolded.

"Fine..." I chuckled.

"Good night Anju"

"Good night Nisha"

I decided to meet this Varun. Maybe its for the best. Who knows what will happen....

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