chapter 14

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Conference went well. It was uneventful. It was a relief. When I reached home Stella was eating a red velvet cake.

"How was your conference? "

"Not bad. Food was really nice. "

"Do you want cake?"

"Yeah. Did you buy it? "

"No. We got a new neighbour. He came to visit with this delicious cake."

She gave me a piece of cake.


"Yes. A really hot guy."

"Are you planning to try your charms on him."

"Definitely. Besides he is also from kerala. "


My phone started to ring. its Arun.

"Hey my little brother. How are you doing? "

"Hey.. don't call me little. "

"Why? Are you afraid that your girlfriend might hear it."

"Shut up. "

"Ha ha.... so tell me. How are you? "

"Am good. How was your conference?"

"It was good. How's your studies. "

"As always "

"Try to study harder and don't fail next time. "

"Don't worry. I will pass next time. Last time our valuation was really tough. "

"Or is it because you were skipping your classes and went for movies?"

"How do you know? "

"I know everything. I have my own way for that. What's the name of that girl? "

"Priya. Please don't tell to our parents. "

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. But you better have more concentration on your studies. "

"OK "

"So how is mom and dad?"

"They are good. They went to Nisha's ."

"For the birthday party? "

"Yeah. "

"Why didn't you go?"

"I am not feeling well. "

"What happened? "

"Mild fever."

"Did you take medicine? "


"Take rest. Okay? "

"Okay. Dad and mom started to seek a groom for you. You better prepare for your wedding. "

"What? I am not ready for that."

"After Varun you said you want a good job. Now you have that. Then what are you waiting for? "

"You too brutes.... why are you forcing me?"

"Am not forcing. Just telling."

"Stop telling me what to do. I am an adult. I am capable of making my own decisions. "

"We just want you to be happy. "

"I know that. When the time is right I will find my guy."


"You take rest. I will call you later."

I hung up the phone.

"Stella, am going to bed. I am really tired. "

"Good night Anju. "

"Good night Stella. "

I went into my bedroom. I changed my dress. I kept thinking all the talks of Nisha and Arun. What they said was all true. It's time to move on from Varun. I closed my eyes and let the sleep take over.

As I got a compensatory leave I woke up late. Stella already went for work. After breakfast I watched a Korean drama named Boys over flowers . Now I can see why Stella is obsessed with Lee min ho. He is awesome. While watching it I received a call from Stella.

"Hey Anju, did I wake you up? "

"No. Am already up. I am watching a Korean drama. "

"You.... watching dramas!!!"

"I just started it to kill my time. Now I made my decision."


"I will make Lee min ho my boyfriend. "

"Don't even think about it. I already told you. He is mine. "

"Okay. Okay."

"I told you about our new neighbour right? He asked me out for a date. "

"So you want two guys?"

"He is my plan B."

"What is plan A?"

"Its my one and only Lee min ho. "

"You are crazy girl. "

"Ha ha.. so I will be late today. "

"Be careful. You barely know him. What's his name? You never tell me his name. "

"Oh... I forgot. Its...."

"Stella, come to my office."

She was interrupted by our boss's voice.

"Sorry Anju. I have to go. See you later. "

I wondered who is this mysterious guy.


I ordered a pizza. While washing dishes I heard the front door opened.

"Anju, am home. "

"Am in kitchen. How's your date goes?"

"It went fine."

"Give me details."

"Am really tired. I need a bath. I will tell you after that. "

She went to her room. After doing dishes I flipped through channels in TV. Suddenly I heard a screaming from her bathroom. I rushed to her room.

"Stella, what happened. "

"I slipped. Aw.....Aw...."

"Open the door. "

She opened the door. Her ankle is reddened and swollen.

"I think its a fracture. "

"We will go to hospital."

I can't drive. I ran to our neighbour. He is the guy she goes with. So he will help. I rang their doorbell. Wait... I don't know his name. Suddenly the door opened. I am shocked. Is this really him??

I know I am a really bad writer. Sorry for the super late update. Thanks to all who patiently wait for the next update. Thanks for the votes , comments, sharing and adding this story to your reading list. Have a nice day dears.


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