chapter 16

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I unlocked the door to our apartment.

"Please come in. " I invited them.

"Maybe another time. Its getting late. "
Sidhu answered.

"Then come for breakfast tomorrow. "

"That will be okay. We both are horrible at cooking. "

"7 is okay with you guys?"

"That will be fine. "

"If you need anything just give us a call. "

"I don't have either of your number. "

We exchanged our number and says good night.

I went to Stella 's room. She is lying on her bed.

"How are you feeling?  How's your pain? "

"Painkillers they gave me starts to work their magic. Now I don't feel any pain. "

"That's good. "

I sat at the edge of her bed. I lost in my thoughts. Alex is now my neighbour. More over Stella 's boyfriend. Besides he is sidhu's friend. So I can't avoid him. What if Varun makes an appearance. Now I am sure that there is a chance for a near encounter with Varun in future. I need to move on before that. I don't want him to see as a girl who struck on her past.

"Hey Anju, down to earth. "Stella called me.

"What's bothering you? "

I don't know what to do . whether tell Stella that Alex is Varun 's friend or not. She will hear about it later from Alex. Its better she heard it from me.

"I knew Alex before. "

"How? Why don't you told me before?"

"You never told me his name.  Besides I didn't get to see him before. "

"That's right. Did you talk to him? "

I nodded
"When Sidhu went to buy me a coffee."

"What did he say ?"

"He starts to talk about Varun. But I interrupted him saying Varun is a closed chapter in my life and I don't want to talk about him. "

"Do you want me to talk to Alex. "

"Just say don't talk about Varun anymore and don't tell Sidhu about Varun. I don't want Sidhu knows about Varun. "

"Do you like Sidhu? "

"Its not that.  He is  protective over me in our college days. He beats up a person who bothered me and got suspension from college for that."

"So he likes you? "

"I think he consider me as sister. "

"You think. You are not sure. As far as I know he is  a good catch babe. "

"Ah!!! I can't talk to you. Am going to sleep. If you need anything just call me. "

"I want Lee min ho. Will you get him for me?"

I grabbed a pillow and threw at her.

"Shut up and go to sleep. "

I switched off her light.


I prepared breakfast. Sidhu and Alex came for breakfast. After that Sidhu offered me a ride to my office.

"Alex needs our help?"

"With what? "

"He wants to prepare a dinner for Stella. Since she is in her bed rest....."

"So he wants me out of my apartment? "

"Something like that. He suggest me to take you out for a dinner. "

"So you want a dinner with me because Alex forced you into it. That hurts." I pretend like I am hurt.

" No.... no..... its. ... its. .... Oh stop it Anju. So what do you think?  You up for it? "

"Let me think....." I pretend thinking.

"Come on. Its a win-win situation. They got a date together and we got to catch up with our lives. Please agree. For old times sake."

"Okay. I agree. "

We reached in front of my office.

"I will pick you up after work. "

"See you later. "


After work we went to Hyderabad central mall. We went for a movie.  After that we went to food court. We talked about our past life after college over the food. Well of course except about Varun. I came to knew that they have one more friend who share their apartment. They call him Mr. Bachelor since he has no luck with girls.  They tried to set up some blind dates for him.  But he is still lingering his feelings for his ex-girlfriend.

"So what about you?  Any pretty girl catches your heart? "

"Well...... that's......"

"Ooooo.... you are stammering.  So there is someone. Who is the lucky girl?"

"Well. .... its more like one sided."

"Don't tell me you get rejected. "

"Actually I never confessed. I know her for a long time. I want to confess her when I was in college. But I never got courage. "

"What? ?? The guy who beats up another one for me lacks courage?  Unbelievable. "

"Don't laugh too much.  Anyways she is more into studies in that time. So I decided to wait. "

"What about now?"

"Now she has a good job. Hopefully no boyfriend or fiance."

"Then what are you waiting for? "

"Should I tell her?"

"Of course. Do it before someone snatches her away from you. "

"Anju, from our first day in college I like you. Its more like love at first sight. Thats why I am protective over you. When I saw you cry I feel like someone stabbed through my heart. When I came to know you better i decided to wait until you get a good job like you always dreamt off. In between I lost contact with you. At that time I was in Australia for a project. That's also a reason I can't reach you at that time. I promised myself I will find you again. I just reached India one week back. Fortunately I found you before I start enquiring about you . I don't want to lose you again. I want to make you happy. I want to see your smile. I want to hear your laughter. I  want you to be my side."

He takes my hand in his.

"Anju, will you be my girlfriend? "

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