chapter 9

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Finally my dad gave permission for our date. I decided to inform Varun.

"Hai, it's me Anju. My dad agreed on our date." I practiced myself in front of a mirror.

"Nah.. it's too weird. I don't know what to talk. Maybe Arun will help me."

I knocked his door and opened it. He is drawing something.

"Arun, what kind of weird picture is this?"

"Its histology."


"So what do you want?"


"I know you well and I think you want something from me."

"Ya I need your help."

"Spill it out."

"Can you inform Varun about our date?"

"I don't have his number."

"I will give you his number."

"If you have his number then why don't you call him yourself?"

"Please Arun..."

"No way. You can call him yourself. Now get out of my room. I lots to study."

"So you decided to study?"

"Ya. Now shoo.." He pushed me out of his room.

What will I do? Can I ask Nisha? No. she will not help me. It's waste of time. I will message him.

Hai, it's Anju. My dad agreed on our date.

I typed it on what's app and send it. Then I opened my wattpad and started reading. After about five minutes he called me. I pressed the answer button.


"Hai it's Varun."

"I know."

"I am glad that your dad agreed on our date."

"Me too."

"I am so excited."

"Mm hmm..."

"When will you want to go?"

"You can decide."

"How about Saturday?"

"Sounds good."

"I will pick you at 10."

"No. I will come. Just tell me where."

"How about Lulu Mall?"

"Fine with me."

"Can we meet there at 10.30?"


"How's your parents and Arun? "

"They are all good. How about your family?"

"They are good too."

"Mom called me. I wanna go." I lied to him.

"Okay. I will call you later."




Finally its Saturday. We agreed to meet at 10.30. Now it's 10.45. I am always punctual. I am getting irritated.

Ring. .... My phone started to ring. Its Varun.

"Hello." I talked in a irritated tone.

"Did you reach there?"

"No. I am still at my house." I answered sarcastically.

"Am so sorry. I am held up in traffic. I will be there soon."

"I will wait you for another 10 minutes. If you don't come then I will go home."

"I will be there soon."

"Okay. "

After about five minutes he came. He is wearing a black jeans and red shirt.

"Sorry for being late." He apologised me.

"Its okay."

"You are looking gorgeous."

"Thanks." I blushed. I am wearing a yellow kurtha with black leggings.

"Shall we move?"

"Where is our first stop?"


"Okay ."

We went to the ticket booth. There are five theatres. 

"How about the English movie?" He asked me.

"No way. I want to go for malayalam movie."

"Its a good action movie. You will love it."

"I hate action movies. Besides it is also a good movie."

"Please Anju. I am looking forward for the release of this movie."

"Be a gentleman and agree to my wish. Otherwise consider it as a punishment for being late."

"Fine. I will take the tickets.  Next time I will get to choose."

"Okay." I replied happily.

We bought Pepsi and popcorn and enter into the movie theatre. I really enjoyed the movie. While watching the movie he hold my hand. I feel so good. For the last few days we talked over phone. It really helps me to reduce my anxiety. Not completely. I think now I started to like him. After the movie we went to food court.

"I will order for you."

"Okay. I will be at the table."

He went to order. I sat at a table for two. After few minutes he came.

"It will take about ten minutes."

"It's okay. What did you order?"

"Momo combo."

"What? "

"Its a combo. It contains momos, thupka, a momo burger and a Pepsi."

"What kind of food is this?"

"I don't know.  I just saw it in the menu. I just wanna try it."

"What if it tastes bad?"

"Don't worry. If you don't like it then I will buy you food of your choice."

We search about the food in Google.
Momo is a type of steamed bun with some form of filling. Momo has become a traditional delicacy in Nepal, Tibet and among Nepalese/Tibetan communities in Bhutan, Sikkim and Darjelling district. It is one of the most popular fast foods in Nepal. Thukpa is a Tibetan noodle soup. It originated in the eastern part of Tibet. 

When our food arrived we tasted it.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes. You?"

"Me too."

While eating our food his phone rang.

" Hello...... what did they say?........ In a month?.... that's too early dad....... she is with me........ okay........I will ask my boss....... we will talk when I get there...... okay dad." He hung up the phone.

"Its my dad called."

"What's the matter?"

"Within one month we have to get married."

Hey my lovely readers, thanks for all your support. I changed the title of the story. I think 'My Arranged Marriage' is more appropriate. What do you think. Please share your views with me. Please continue support me through reads, votes, comments, sharing and adding this story to your reading list

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