chapter 13

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2 years later

I am standing in front of my window with a coffee cup in my hand. Its raining. I like to enjoy the rain with a cup of hot black coffee. I love to stand in rain with my eyes closed. When the rain drops fell on face, I feel like all my sadness is washed away with rain. I decided to open the window. I unlocked the window.

"Anju...... don't you dare open the window. It will ruin my carpet. If you want to get wet, go on to your shower." I heard from my room mate.

"But its artificial." With a sigh I locked the window.

"Whatever...." with that she resumed watching her favourite Korean drama.

I am now working in multinational company in Hyderabad. My room mate Stella is my colleague. She is also from kerala. We lived here for about six months. She is a talkative person with good heart. She is obsessed with Korean dramas. Within a short period of time she became my best friend like Nisha.

Nisha is now resigned from her job to look after her child. Her child, Adithya, will be one year old tomorrow. I can't able to go to his birthday party as I have to attend a conference.

After the broke up with Varun, I told everything to my parents. They respect my decision. Varun tried to contact me several times. But I avoided him. After about six months he stopped trying. Now I don't know what he is doing or where he is. I blocked him from all social medias.

After one year my parents started to talk about my marriage again. But I never agreed to them. I always said some excuses to avoid it. The truth is even after two years I can't able to forget Varun. I know that in some corner of my heart Varun is still there.

"Hey Anju, what are you dreaming about? Looks like you lost in your thoughts . "

"Am dreaming about Lee min ho. " I teased her. Lee min ho is her favourite Korean drama actor.

"Hey.... don't even think about it. He is mine. "

"Keep telling that yourself.  You will get him. " I said sarcastically.

"One day I will go to Korea. I will find him and tell my love to him. "

"Keep dreaming on that. "

"You are jealous of my good looks. I know that. "

I faked gag to tease her. She throw a pillow at me. I caught it and laughed at her.

"What do you want for dinner?"
I always do cooking.  Once she entered kitchen and almost burned everything. So I always cook our food and she cleans everything after cooking.

"Whatever you make. "

"What about chappathi and chicken curry? "

"Fine with me. Need any help?"

"I don't want any smoke and burned food in my kitchen. "

"Okay. Did you iron your clothes for tomorrow? "

"No. I will do it after dinner. "

"I will do it you."

"Don't burn my clothes. "

"Can't promise anything. "


I woke up early in the morning. After getting ready for the conference I decided to call Nisha. I call her on Skype.

"Hey Nisha...."

"Hey Anju.... I am mad at you. "

"Am so sorry. It's an important conference. I can't skip it. Where is my birthday boy? "

"Aadersh is dressing him up. We are going to temple."

"Aadersh, bring Aadi here. Anju is on Skype. " She tells to Aadersh. Aadersh came with Aadi. 

"Hai Anju. How are you?"

"Am good. How are you? "

"Not good. Am tired of my wife. Am going to get rid of her. "

"Good luck with that. In that case I am ready to marry you. "

"Hello. ..... am still here. " Nisha said and we laughed at her.

"Talk with Nisha. I have to go and get ready for temple. "

"See you later. "

"Take care Anju. "

He hand over Aadi to Nisha and went.

"Hey my dear birthday boy.... Happy birthday!!"

He giggled and touches the screen. He is so cute with adorable dimples in his chubby cheeks.

"He tries to slap you for missing his birthday party. " Nisha told me.

"Aww.......  am so sorry dear. But I promise you a nice birthday gift. "

"Anju, when are you coming here. "

" I don't know. I will try to get leave. "

"Anju, Aadersh has a cousin. He is well educated and well settled. If you are interested......"

"Stop it Nisha. You know me well right?"

"Anju, what are you planning with your life. Are you going to waste your life thinking of that cheater. You have to move on. "

"I am trying Nisha. I am trying. But I can't. "

"Then try harder. Two years is more than enough. If you don't want any arranged marriage, find a guy you like. If he is good enough I will talk to your parents. "

"I lost my trust in guys."

"Not everyone is like him. Try to understand that. I will call you later. Aadersh is waiting. "


I shut down my laptop. I called a cab to go to conference. I still don't drive. Usually I went to work with Stella. We work together. When the cab comes, I get in to it. I don't know why I had a bad feeling about this conference. There is a chance that Varun can be here. I don't know what will I do if I met him. Maybe he is working in Mumbai. That's why I chose Hyderabad. But for conferences, a representative from all companies will come. So there is always a chance of meeting him in these types of conferences. Someone from my mind says he is coming. Will he come?

Hey my lovely readers,
Really sorry for the late update. Thank you for your patience, reads and votes. I never dreamt about getting this much votes. More than 1k votes and more than 32k reads. Am really happy. Thanks for all your supports. But still I can't promise any date for next update. Hope you all forgive me.

Yours lovingly

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