chapter 12

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I don't know how much time I sat there. I can't hear anything happened behind me. My mind was trying to process all these things. I woke up from my thoughts when someone tapped on my shoulder. I saw a worried face of Nisha.

"What happened? "

"Let's go. I can't talk right now. "

"Are you OK? "

"No. " My eyes welled up.

"Did you pay the bill. "

"She did. "

"And where is she? "

"She left. "

"Then let's go. We will talk when we reach my home. "

Since Aadersh went for conference, I am staying with Nisha. We sat in silence throughout our way home. If I spoke another, I will break down. When we reach home, I went for bath. I cried my heart out. He is my first love. I don't know whether I want to believe her or not.  I don't want to believe her. But she has proofs. I heard a knock on my bathroom door.

"Anju..." Nisha called me over the door.

"What? "

"I know you are crying there. So stop crying and come out. You can talk to me. It will help help. You know that I will always be with you. Right?"

"Ya. Just give me some more time. "

After about half an hour, I changed into my nightdress. We ate our dinner silently. After our dinner, I told Nisha all about what happened back there at Cafe.

"Do you believe her? "

"She had a lot of evidence to prove their relationship. "

"I think you should talk to Varun. We barely know her. We should confirm that before making any decision. "

"What will I do if its true. "

"Then you have to tell all these to your parents. They never agree for your marriage with him. But you have to talk to Varun first. "

"I will text him to call me. "

"Do it now. "

I sent him a message. Then we watch 'No Reservation'.  After about one hour he called me.

"Hey Anju, did you miss me? "

"Did you reach there safely? " I asked him without answering his questions.

"Ya. Just reach here in my apartment and I miss you. "

"Varun, do you know someone called Dhristi? "

"Dh.... Dhristi?? N..... No." From his voice, I knew he lied to me.

"Earlier today I got a call from her. She wants to meet me and we met.

"Ummm... she........ she was. ......she was my girlfriend. "

"You just told me you don't know  her? "

"Th..... that's....."

"She said you went to Goa together. "

"But we are not alone. We had our friends with us. "

"I know. She showed me some photos.  To be more specific, photos of you two kissing each other. Is there any truth in it? "

"I was drunk. I really don't remember anything from that night."

"So I guess that photo is not edited or something."

There is no response from from him.

"Did you sleep with her. "


"How can you be sure if you don't remember a kiss that happened that night? "

Again I met with his silence.

"She told me she was pregnant. Is that correct?"

"Yes. But the child was not mine. "

"She was your girlfriend at that time. Do you have any evidence that states the child is not yours?"

"No. I told her I want a paternity test. But she did abortion. "

"She had medical report that says the abortion was caused by some medicine that mixed with juice. "

"That's not me. She did it herself. "

"How can a women kill her own child?  That's not possible. "

"But Anju. . . . "

"Did you meet her husband later?"

"Yes. "

"For what? "

"He wants to know my past relationship with Dhristi. "

"I assume what she told me was all true. "

"No..... please..."

I interrupted him.

"Varun, its all over between us."

I hung up the phone.

What do you think of Varun. Is he is innocent or not?  I know its a short chapter. But I want to end this chapter here.  My exams are approaching. So I  can't promise any specific day for next update. Please give me your valuable feedback.

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