chapter 5

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"I think he is nice."

"Oooo..... someones face become tomato red." My brother teased me.

"Get lost you idiot."

I went to my room. I decided to call Nisha. I promised her that i will call her immediately after they left. I dialled her number.

Ri. ... Not even one ring she picked up.

"How is he? Is he nice? What did you talked? What is your decision? Did you like him?" She attacked me with her questions.

"Wow... Not even a hello? Slow down girl."

"Sorry.. I am excited to know. So tell me."

"He is hot."

"So you like him?"

"You can say that." I smiled.

"Tell me in detail."

I filled her with all the details.

"So what's next?" She asked.

"If he likes me then our parents will decide a date for our engagement."

"He will like you. No one can resist my girl's charm. Anyway we are going for shopping on this Wednesday evening. "


"Is 5 okay with you?"


"Okay... I have to go now. See you later."


I went to kitchen to have some cookies. I love cookies.

"Stop eating my cookies." Arun complained.

"Do you have your name over it?"

Suddenly he snatched cookies and run to his room.

"ARUN......." I yelled at him.

"Stop acting like a child. You are going to be married. Your dad called Krishnen and told your decision."


"Your future father in law."


"They like you. So they decided to go to a swamiji for a muhurtham for your engagement. Are you happy?"

"I don't know. This is not in my plan. He seems to be nice. But I am worried."

"Don't worry. From what I heard he is a good guy. I am going to Reena's house. I want to tell her the news."

Reena aunty is our neighbour. She is my mom's best friend. I decided to check my Facebook account. I am not an active member. I have lots of notifications. Most of them are game requests. I skipped it. Then I have few friend requests. First one is from Varun.

"Really... I think he is an active FB person." I talked to myself.

I clicked on his profile. His is wearing a black shirt in his profile picture. It has got so many likes and comments. I never got this much likes. I accepted his friend request.

"Oooo somebody is checking someone's profile."

"Don't you you have anything to do? Why do you always want to annoy me?"

"As your younger brother it's my job to annoy you."

"You are mistaken. You are not my actual brother. Dad bought you from market. He mistaken you with toy."

I always used this to annoy him. It's my card for annoying him.

"I hate you."

"I hate you too."

He turned to go back to his room.

"Hey.. where are you going? Come back. I am just kidding."

"I know that moron. I have tooth carving to do in wax block . Tomorrow is the last date for submission."

"Okay. Go and do your stuff."

I decided to continue checking my Facebook account. Nisha updated her profile picture. She is looking gorgeous. I clicked like. Suddenly a chathead popped with Varun's photo.

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