chapter 11

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"Are you sure about this? I think you should talk to Varun first."

" How can I contact Varun. He just went to USA this morning."

"Then I will come with you."

"No. She wants me to come alone."

"I will drop you there and I will be in any nearby shops. If you need me just ring me. Okay?"

"Okay. We should not tell anything to my parents until we confirm about it."

"Okay. "

We went to cafe in which she told me to come. I want to know the truth behind that photo.

"We are nearly there. " Nisha told me. I nodded.

"Are you OK? "

"I don't think so. "

"I will come with you. I don't have a good feeling about this. "

"Me too.  But I will go there alone. "

"Are you sure?"


"If you want to punch her, I will gladly do it for you."

"I am not here to fight. I just want to know the truth behind this."

"You will tell me each and everything she talks to you. OK? "

I agreed to her. She parked the car in front of the cafe

"Ring me up if you  need anything. "


I get off from the car and walked into the cafe. I searched for Dhristi's face. I saw it in the photo she sent me. I can't get rid of that image from my mind. The image of Dhristi and Varun passionately kissing each other.

I saw her sitting in a corner table. She is really stylish. She is the type of girl which most guys go after. She is wearing a blue shirt with black jeans and a shades hung up on her shirt.

I wondered what her relationship with Varun. Maybe an ex girlfriend. I can't think of any other reason for kissing each other. But why did they broke up? What did she wants to talk to me?  All these questions popped into my mind.  I know that I never get a proper answers until I talked to Varun. As he is unavailable now I decided to approach her.

"Dhristi? " I asked her.

"You must be Anju? "

"Yes. " I sat opposite to her.

"How did you got my number? "

" I have to get it. I used lots of my connection for that. "

"But......." I was interrupted by a waitress.

"Are you ready for your order? "

"An espresso for me." Dhristi told her.

"A cappuccino please."

She took our order and went.

"So what do you want to talk about? " I asked her.

"Its about Varun. "

"So i think my guessing is correct. "

"What was that? "

"You were in love with Varun. For some reason you broke up with him. Now you want to reunite with him. But I came in between you. So you want me out of picture. Is that right? "

"You are mostly correct. "

"Mostly? "

"Yes. About the reuniting part, I'm not sure about that. "

"What does that mean? "

"We were once loved each other very much when we studied in our college. At least that's what I thought. The photo  I sent you was taken when we went for a trip to Goa. I think we will eventually get married. That's why I gave him my virginity. After two months I realised that I am pregnant.  He told me to kill my baby.  But I disagreed with him. "

We were interrupted by the waitress. She placed our cups in out table.

"Do you need anything else? "

I was shocked from the information she told me. I can't even process any words.

"No." Dhristi said to waitress.

"Enjoy. " With that she went to next table.

"Are you OK? " Dhristi asked me.

"I don't know. Then what happened? "

" I decided to gave birth and raise my child whether he is with me or not. But he tricked me. He gave me some medicine mixed with juice.  I drank it. It leads to abortion. Somehow the whole college came to know about my abortion. He told everyone that the baby is not his and I cheated on him. He pictured me as a slut in front of the whole college. I drop my studies.  My parents found a guy for me and we get married. Out of fear I didn't tell him about Varun. For first few months we are really happy. After that my husband changes. He always think I am cheating on him.  Later I came to know that Varun sent some photos of me to Hari, my husband. Varun blackmailed Hari that he will ruin his reputation by upload my photos in Internet. Hari is a famous cardiac surgeon. That ruined my marriage. I am a divorcee now. He ruined my life. I can't let him ruin another girl's life.  Thats why I came to see you. "

"I can't imagine Varun like that. The Varun I know is loving and a caring person. Is this all true or some kind of joke? "

"Do you think this is something to joke about? If you want more proofs I will show you. I have have more photos of him and me when we were  together, my scanning reports and medical reports showing my miscarriage is due to a medicine. "

"If you hate him so much why do you keep his photos with you? "

"I destroyed all of it when I know his true nature. I know that you will not believe me without proofs. So I ask my friend for photos."

"And your friend took photos while you were kissing? "

"I told you it happens during our trip to Goa. Some of our other friends are also with us. He kissed me in front of everyone. She took the photo saying its a really happy moment for us."

"Then why don't your friends backed you up when he says nothing happens between you and him?"

"Most of us getting drank. They don't remember anything. Thats what they say. Most of them are Varun's friends and they are with him. "

"What about your friend who gave you photos? "

"She was drunk and she was the first one who passed out. Its upto you whether you want to believe it or not. I don't want him to spoil any other girl's life like mine. Thats why I came to told you all this when I heard he is going to marry you."

"Does his family know about this? "

"I don't think so. At that time I didn't have the courage to tell them. In a situation like this people always blame the girl."

"I don't know what to do."

"Just think about it. Marriage is a big decision in our life. It decides how our future becomes.  Think about it wisely and took a decision. Now I'm living in Bangalore. I just came here to saw you. I'm going back on tomorrow's morning flight. So if you wants to talk to me, you can call me anytime. "

She paid the bill and went. I don't know what to do. Whether believe her or not.  Whether marry him or not.

Thanks for your patience. This is the longest chapter I wrote. Like I said earlier I can't promise any day for the next update. I will try to update ASAP. Please continue support me through votes, comments,sharing and adding this story to your reading list.

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