chapter 4

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I heard my dad. That means they reached . I started to bite my nails . That's what i do when i am nervous.

"I will be fine. All is well. All is well " I chanted myself.

"Anju....." I heard my dad calling me. Thats my call to leave my room .

"This is Anju." Padmini aunty said to them . She came with them .

"I am Varun's father. " Eldest of the group introduced . He is around 60 years old with salt and pepper hair and thick mustache . He wears a cream colored shirt and dhoti .

"This is Varun's mother ." He introduced his wife . I smiled at Varun's mother. She wore a maroon colored silk saree.

"This is our son Varun." Thats how I met the most handsome guy I ever met. He is about 6 feet tall. He is in a white shirt and a black jeans. He smiled at me. I returned the smile. My dad and Varun's dad continued the talking. We maintained our silence.

"Anju... why dont you show Varun our garden?" my mom asked. That means if you want to talk to Varun then go ahead.

"Please come." I said to Varun.

"My dad already introduced me to you. Any way I am Varun." He extended his hand.

"Anju." we shook our hands.

"Are you nervous?"

"Littile bit."

"Well.... i wont bite you"

I chuckled.

"Do you want to know anything specific about me?" He asked.

"I dont know anything about you except for your name and job"

"I am the eldest in my family. My father is a Rtd. headmaster. Mom is is a home maker. I have younger sister. She is studying in higher secondary school. she is 10 years younger than me. So she is like my daughter. i love her more than anything. At least for now." he winked.

"I am also eldest in my family. My father is a village officer. Mom is home maker. i have a younger brother. He is a dental student. how do you know Padmini aunty?"

"She is my mom's friend. I know usually girls dont like to be questioned about their age. if you don't mind...???

"I am 23. How about you?"

"27. You got a job?"

"Ya. i have training in 5 months."


"That i dont know. They told me that they will mail date and venue of training."

"I hope you will get your training in Mumbai."


"I will leave USA office in next month and join in Mumbai office."

"Why did you choose Mumbai and not somewhere in Kerala?"

"I did my college there. Most of my friends are over there. Where did you do your college?"

"Kochi. I never traveled anywhere outside Kerala."

"Really. Dont you like travelling?"

"Its not that. I was busy with college and studies. "

"Hey..." Arun interrupted

"This is Arun my younger brother." I introduced him. They shook their hands.

"Sorry to interrupt. Your family is about to leave. "

" We will come" i told Arun. He went inside.

"Anju, I am looking forward to see you again. Shall we?"

I nodded. We went inside. After saying bye to everyone, they left. Now its time for me to decide. Its a decision about my life. So I have to choose very carefully.

"So what do you think?" My dad asked me.

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