chapter 17

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I didn't give my answer to him. I need to think about it. So I told him I need time. We went to our apartment. We waited for elevator.

"Hmm... Anju, I am going to the pool area. "

"At this time? Why?"

"Because its quite there. I like to sit there at this time. It has a calming effect. "

"Well. ... then see you later. "

I went to my apartment. Alex was there.

"Hey Anju " Alex greets me.

"Hi Alex "

"OK then. Am going. "

" don't mind me. I will be in my room. "

"No need. We just waiting for you. Good night. "

He went and kissed Stella on her cheeks. She blushed and mumbled good night. He went out.

"Ooooo..... someones face become tomato red. "

"Shut up Anju. "

"Aww. ... you guys are cute."

"Thanks. I think he is the one. "

"Aww.... that's nice. What about Lee min ho? "

"That. .. I don't know. Anyways how's your date with Sidhu? "

"Its not a date. "

"Then what? Business trip? Anju, tell me what's the matter? Something is bothering you. I can see it in your eyes. "

"He asked me to be his girlfriend. "

"Wow. . . . That's great. What did you say? "

"I said I need time. "

"For what? Waiting for Varun? "

"Its not like that. I think I am not ready for a relationship. "

"Two years is more than enough. You must move on. "

"Did you guys talk about him. "

"Kind off."

"What did you talk? "

"Nothing much. Listen Anju, you should move on. Sidhu is really nice. He loves you. Its in his eyes. As far as I know he is good for you. Then what are you waiting for? "

"I don't know. "

"Tell me your opinion about Sidhu. "

"He is nice. He always look out for me. He is fun."

"I think you like him. Then what are you waiting for. Go for it. "

"Yeah. I should go to him. He said he is going to pool. Should I call Alex?"

"Am not a baby. Just go girl. "

"Will you okay by yourself?"

"Its not like you are going to America. Just get out of here. "

I went to pool area. He was there sitting at the pool side with his legs in water and gazing at the stars. I removed my heels and sit besides him with my legs in water. He is right. It feels so good.

"Do you mind? "

"Anju! Not at all. "

"You were right. Its really nice here. "

He smiled.

"Ummm... Sidhu. .. about what I said earlier..."

"You don't have to reply now. I will wait until you are ready. "

"I will give it a try. "

"WHAT?? Say it again. "

"Yes Sidhu. I will be your girlfriend. "

He hugged me.

"Thank you so much Anju. You make me the happiest man the world. "

Sorry for the super delay in updating. Thanks to those who patiently waiting for the update. This is a short chapter. But still something is better than nothing. WritersInspration8 mentioned my story in arranged marriage and Indian stories. Thanks for that.

My Arranged Marriage  (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now