Chapter 6

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"I just met him today and he already wants to talk to me."

I clicked on the chathead to open it.

Hey.. hw u doing

Good... u?

Watching some annoying movie wth ma sis.


It's a boring movie. So I decided to text u. So we get to know each other better.


Wat r ur hobbies?


Which type of books do u lyk

I like classics. Pride and prejudice is my fav.

So you are more like a book worm

Nothing lyk dat.

"Anju..." my mom called me.

"am coming"

I wanna go. C u ltr
I typed and logged out my account.


"Anju... are you ready?" Nisha asked me.

"Ya. Let's go."

"You wanna drive?"

"No. I don't like driving. You know that right?"

"Ya. Just asking."

She drove to the mall. My favourite song is playing in the radio.

"So any new news about Varun?"

"No. I didn't open my Facebook account after that."

"You mean your first chatting with him."



"I don't know what to talk. I am really worried about my future. What will happen to my career. If I doesn't get a job in Mumbai, what will happen?"

"Hey relax... you are just over thinking."

"Sometimes I feel like all this happens so fast."

"No. You have enough time to know him. Even your engagement date is not fixed yet."

"That's right. But sometimes I feel like it's a wrong decision."

"Don't worry. We never know what's he like. We have to compromise a lot for a successful married life."

"Sometimes I get scared. I don't know what to do?"

"It's okay. Most people have this type of feeling before their marriage. Even i had those feelings. Don't you remember?"


"So for the time being let's don't think about your future. Enjoy the present. Okay? "


After parking the car we entered the mall. The mall is really crowded since it's evening. We went to Sylcon for shoes. I bought a black heels and Nisha bought a red coloured wedge heels. Then we went for clothes. We walked towards the girls clothing section.

Beep. I heard the message tone from my phone. While checking it i bumped into someone.

Sorry for the short chapter.

I never expect my book will got 2.84k reads and 161 votes. Thanks to all my readers and my friends who support me to continue this. Please keep reading, voting, commenting and sharing . It means alot for me.

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