Chapter 18

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We sat there in silence holding hands and gazing at the sky. The sky is clear and stars are twinkling. After some time we went to my apartment. He never let go my hand till we reach my doorstep. He waited till I enter into my apartment. Stella was waiting for me.

"So how does it go?"

"Well. ... I said yes. " I blushed.

"Am so happy for you. "

I smiled at her. phone rang.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"Nobody "

"Its Sidhu right? "

"Good night. " I picked up my phone and walked towards my room.

"Hello "

"Hai Anju. "

"Why did you call me? "

"Nothing. I feel like I want to talk to you. "

"That's all? "

"What ?? Is it a crime to call my girlfriend? "

"No. Not at all. " I laughed.

We talked for about two hours and then went to sleep. Next morning our doorbell rang while we ate our breakfast. When I opened the door I saw Sidhu with a red rose in his hand.

"Good morning sweetheart."

"Good morning Sidhu. Come on in. " I invited him in.

"This is for you. " He handed me the flower.

"Thanks. "

"I know your driving skills sucks. So wanna ride??"

"Thanks. I am having breakfast. Wanna join?"

"No thanks. I already ate. Take your time. "

He sat on the couch and started reading newspaper.

From that day onwards Sidhu become my ride to office and back to home. Sometimes we went to movies together. Three weeks passed. Stella gets better and took off her cast. One evening I called my mom.

"Hai mom."

"Anju, you were always busy these days. Whenever I call you I got a busy tone. Who are you talking to? Are you seeing someone. "

"Ummm. ... thats. ..." I stuttered.

"If not we have got a proposal for you."

"No need for that. I am seeing someone. "

"Who? "

"He is my senior in college. "

"You guys work together?"

"No. He is my neighbour here. "

"Okay. When will we get to meet him?"

"I don't know. We just started. "

"Do you really like him? "

"I don't know yet. I want to move on from Varun. That's why I said yes to him. "

"That's good. At least you tried to move on from Varun. Arun is back from college. I will call you later. "

"Bye mom. "

Sidhu was busy with work. So I decided to watch a Korean drama. I started watching the legend of the blue sea. I watched first three episodes of the drama. It was so funny. While watching the fourth episode I heard a knock on my door. it might might be Stella. What did she want at this time. Its nearly 12. I opened the door. There stands Sidhu with a cake saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANJU ' . Stella and Alex was also there besides him. They sang birthday song for me. I stand there dumbfounded.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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