chapter 10

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"WHAT???" I screamed. Most of the people gave me a weird look. I mumbled sorry to them.

"We have to go. I will talk to my parents. You must talk to your parents.  Then we will plan accordingly." He told to me.

"Its so soon."

" Hey, don't worry. Every problem has a solution. Just talk to your parents."


"Come on. Let's go."

He dropped me at my house. Now I need a long talk with my parents.

"Did you heard  the news about your marriage?" My dad asked me.

"Yes. Varun told me that we have to get married within a  month."

"Sorry baby. According to your horoscope you should get married within a month. There are some obstacles in the marriage. If the marriage doesn't take place within one month, it will not occur for three years." My mom told me.

"Mom, I don't know if I am ready for this marriage. Becoming a wife is a huge responsibility. What if I failed in it?"

" No. You will never fail. You are capable of doing anything. Nothing is impossible. You will do just fine." Mom told me.

"Anju, usually a girl's dad has lots of worries about their daughter's life. A daughter is always her dad's little princess. Even if she became a mother it will not change. A father will always worried about his little  princess's life. How her life becomes? Whether she will fall in love with a wrong guy? How her marriage becomes? How her in-laws will treat her?  How did she face a problem in her life. But I am never ever worried about you. I have faith in you. You will do fine in Varun's house. You will be a good wife, daughter in-law and a sister in-law. Just because you are going to live with them doesn't means you leave us. We will always be with you. We will always be there for you. We will always love you. Just remember that and make us proud like you always do."

Tears started to stained my cheeks. I am not someone who tries to escape from a problem. I am someone who faces it bravely. I will never disappoint my parents. I will make them proud.

When Varun called I informed him that I am ready for our marriage. He told me that he wants to go to USA within two days. He has some work to complete before leaving the office. He will be back before our engagement which is within three weeks. Then after marriage he will join in the Mumbai branch.

After  two days Varun went to USA. I felt like some part of me is missing. Since  Aadersh, Nisha's husband has some conference, she wants to have a sleepover in her house.

"What's up girl?" She asked me.

"Nothing." I answered in a depressed tone.

"You miss him? "

"I don't know. I feel like some part of me is missing. An incomplete feeling. Like there is a dark hole in my heart."

"You are in love."

"Me?? I like him. But love??"

"When did you start this feeling? After Varun went to USA right??"

"I guess so."

"You miss him. That's why you felt like this."

"I don't think so."

"Either you are lying or you didn't realise you are in love with him. When Aadersh went for conferences I  felt like the same way. Thats because I love him. I don't want to be alone at that time. Thats why I always want a sleepover whenever he when went for conference."


Ring....ring.... My phone started to ring.

"Maybe its Varun." She told me.

"No I think he is in his flight now. " I  took my phone from my handbag.

"Its an unknown number." I told her.

"Pick it up."

I pressed the answer button.


"Hello. Is this Anju? " A female voice answered.

"Yes. May I know who is this?"

"I am Dhristi. Can we meet somewhere?"

"For what? I don't know you."

"No. You don't know me. But I want to talk to you or you will regret it later. "


"I will send a photo through what's app. Then you can decide whether  you want to meet me or not."

She hang up the phone. I opened my what's app account and opened the photo she sent me. Tears started to welled up in my eyes. I can't even believe my eyes. Please God help me to wake up from this nightmare. But I know this is not a nightmare. It's a  reality.

Sorry for the late update. I can't promise any date for next update. I will make it as fast as possible. Please continue support me like you always do.

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