~chapter 1~

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Hanna's POV

"Hanna! I'm leaving." My mom hollored from downstairs. I ran downstairs from my room to where my mom was holding a suitcase and her red Michael Kors up to her shoulder. "I'll be leaving for New York for a week."

"Mom you already told me this." I complained.

She continued her speech. "No Caleb upstairs OK? I also expect the house not to be cluttered when I come back."

"Okay mom." I said. She leaned over and gave me a hug.

"I love you!" We both said at the same time. She rolled her suitcase out the door and went to her car. I waited until she left before I took out my phone and dialed a number.

I put the phone up to my ear, "Caleb, my mom's gone when are you coming over?"

"Right now." Caleb said. After saying our goodbyes we both hung up.

Ten minutes later, I heard the doorbell ringing at the front of the the house.

I scrambled down the staircase in a white floral, laced crop top that came to my belly button, a red velvet see through laced skirt. The front came to my knees and the back of the skirt came to my ankels. I also had on red velvet 3 inch heels with gold studs on the back. I accessorized it with red velvet feathered earrings and 2 gold bracelets on my right arm.

For my makeup I had on white eye shadow with black mascara and eye liner. I added dark red lipstick and put my blonde hair in a braided crown with ringlets poking out in curls.

I opened the door and standing there was my boyfriend.


He was wearing ripped dark blue baggy jeans, a white sleeved shirt without buttoning it. He had on his grey beanie and was holding a green duffel bag.

He leaned over and gave me a long passionate kiss. I finally stopped the kiss and moved over to let him in.

"You look beautiful." He said smiling at me.

I couldn't help but blush but I smiled back at him.

"My mom's gonna be gone for a week. She's coming back next Saturday."

"Since we went camping I couldn't stop thinking about what we did." Caleb said looking at me.

"Me too!" I said as I took his hand. I started kissing him. As I did so I took my hand and put it under his shirt. I felt his hard abs. Mmm. I released our lip lock. I took his hand and we headed up stairs.

One hour later.......

We were both in bed panting heavily. My hair wasn't in a crown anymore. Our clothes were strewn everywhere. Caleb had my dark lipstick stains all over his body.

"That was so good." Caleb admitted. I nodded in agreement. I picked up my comforter and wrapped it around my body.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I went to my bathroom and got in the shower. I heard the door opening and Caleb joined me.

"Ready for round two?" Caleb asked, before I could reply he started kissing me. Using my left hand I closed the shower curtain.


"What do you wanna eat?" I asked Caleb.

After our "shower", we were both hungry. I was wearing one of Caleb's oversized shirts. He had on pajama bottoms and a sleeveless T-shirt. We were both in the kitchen looking through the fridge.

Inside the fridge, it was basically empty.

"Wanna eat out?" I asked Caleb. Instead of replying be picked up his keys to his SUV. I picked up my pair of jeans and put it on before I followed Caleb out the house.

We arrived at McDonald's. It was the closest joint we could get to. We went in. "You want it to go or you wanna stay and eat." Caleb asked.

"Let's eat here." I said.

"What do you wanna eat." He asked, holding my hand.

"Hmmm...how bout a premium mcwrap, medium fries, and a large root beer." I said. I was exhausted.

He went up to the counter and gave the man our order. "One premium mcwrap, two medium fries, one root beer, one Dr.pepper, and a big mac." He said. After he paid, we waited for our order. Finally, we were called and Caleb went to get our order. We went to the farthest booth away from everyone.

We started eating as we looked into each other's eyes.

"So, your mom is coming back next week what are we gonna do all week." Caleb asked.

"Sex, movies, hanging out, etc..." I said.

Caleb smiled, "It's a deal."


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Bruhhhh, I wrote this when I was like 12 or 13 and it was my first ever fan fiction.  it its horrendous

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