~chapter 6~

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Aria's POV

I was in the car with Spencer and Emily as we cried.

We just got a call from Mama Marin that Hanna was in the hospital. She was pregnant! We started driving the hospital right away not caring that we were going over the speed limit. Right now I just wanted to be in Ezra's arms as he comforted me.


Hanna's POV


I had a searing headache. I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't. All I saw was black. What the fudge happened to me.

The memories suddenly came back to me. I was with Caleb.


Where was he. I felt warmth take over my cold hand. I knew who it was right away. Caleb.

I heard soft sniffling. Caleb was crying. "Hanna, I just want you to know that I love you. You are the strongest, prettiest, bravest person I've ever met. I know you can pull through. For me and out unborn baby that I love so much already." I felt him put his head on my stomach as he continued holding my hand.

All of a sudden I felt a wave of emotions. Caleb was the one I wanted to spend my life with. He was the one I wanted to have mini Halebs with. I loved him.

I then opened my eyes. "Caleb?" I said in a weak voice. I saw him look up at me.

"Hanna Banana!" He gave me a strong passionate kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said back. Then I remembered. "How's the baby?"

"They didn't come back with the results yet." Caleb replied nervously. I sighed as I layer my head back. "I'm gonna go get the doctor.


A few minutes later Caleb came back with Dr. Baker. She was dark skinned with long curly brown hair. She was kind. She first checked my vital signs and then told me the results of my baby.

" Hanna... "


Emily's POV

Me, Aria, and Spencer were told we could go see Hanna. We were all nervous about how she and her baby were doing.

We all walked in and saw Hanna crying. My heart drooped suddenly as all of us rushed towards her. "Han!? What's the news?" Spencer asked.

Hanna looked up at all of us and replied. "My baby is okay!" We all embraced her and cried with joy and happiness. After a couple of hours visitor hours were over.


Today I was going home. My mom decided to stay in a hotel while I stayed with Caleb in his one room apartment. I swear I was happy to leave the hospital. I couldn't eat another jello cup again.

Our house had a hole through the front part and they have no clue who did it. I managed to get some of my stuff from home before coming over to Caleb's.

Caleb's apartment was tight. He had no room and I knew we couldn't raise a baby there.

"Caleb?" I called. He came. "I think we need a new house."


A/N: hey guys! I haven't updated in like a month. I'm so sorry I had writers block and school. Thanks for the people who added my book to their reading list, commented and voted. Ily!💕

I just made a new book and it would mean a lot if you guys read it.

BTW: I'm on spring break and when I go to school next week I have state exams for about 3 weeks. Nooooooo! I'll try updating this week and on Saturdays and Sundays but Im sorry if I don't. This is way to long so bye...


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