~chapter 16~

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Hanna's POV

I woke up groggy.

I looked around, but my eyes weren't adjusted.

After they were I realized I was in a dark room. I was laying down in nothing but a tank top and shorts.

The floor was really cold as it made me shiver.

I heard muffled sounds coming from the corner of the room and I got up slowly.

I started walking to the corner. I saw the outline of the figure as I continued creeping towards them.

My eyes widened as I noticed who it was.

"Alison?" I gasped.

She was wearing the same clothes as the day she disappeared. Yellow blouse, blue jeans, and her white heels which were caked with mud.

I quickly took the ropes off her hands and legs, before I took of the duck tape put around her mouth.

"OMG, Hanna. I've missed you so much." Alison said as she started crying into my arms. 

"Wait... did you're tied up here... that means you're not A." I said.

"You guys thought that I was A?" Alison said as she dropped to the floor.

"A made it seem like it was you. We should have known all along it was fake. I'm so sorry Ali." I sobbed holding her hand.

"No. I should be the one apologizing for what I've done to all of you. Especially you. I'm sorry I made fun of your weight and taught you horrible things to make it to away. I promise to make it up to you." Alison said as tears streamed down her face.

"It's ok. I forgive you." I replied giving her a hug.

"We need to find a way to escape this hell hole." I said getting up and helping Alison up as well.

"I've been tied up since I was kidnapped by A. It gave me a long time to look around the place. There is an air vent which releases the cold." Alison said.

"Where is it?" I said with hope.

"The only problem is that we can't reach it without a ladder or something." Alison replied. She pointed up to the vent which was about seven feet above us.

"We can use the chair to get up there." I said.

"I'm impressed." Alison said with a genuine smile.

"Having A in our life taught us all to think on our feet." I said.

Ali's eyes widened as she looked down to my stomach. "You're pregnant." Ali said.

"Yeah. I am." I replied with a smile.

"How far along are you?" Alison asked.

"I'm almost at nine months." I replied as I rubbed my stomach in circles.

"Congrats." Alison said as she gave me another hug.

"Lets get going." I said. Alison picked up the chair which she was held captive and she brought it over to the vent with me following her.

She set it down under the vent before she climbed onto the chair. She unscrewed it and took off the top part and let it clatter to the ground. She then climbed down.

"Hanna, you go first." Ali said.

I climbed onto the chair and reached my hands into the vent. Ali gave me a boost into the vent.  After I got in I turned my body around so I was on my stomach. Don't worry the doctor said it was ok to do that.

I reached my hands out for Ali to take and she did.

I started pulling her up. Half her body was up when I heard a thud.

Suddenly someone in all black appeared. The only visible thing was a shiny silver nice in A's hand.

"ALI, HURRY UP. A IS HERE." I screamed to Alison.

"OMG. Help me up Hanna." Alison screamed back.

A started running towards us the knife pointed towards Alison.

Almost as Ali was about to reach the top of the vent A lashed forward and stabbed Alison in the leg. A left it in as Alison let out a blood curdling scream.

I quickly helped Ali in the vent. A picked up the top part of three vent and screwed it back on as we backed away.

I saw A take out a remote and press a button. As soon as A did the vent felt like winter but colder.

"I'm so cold." Ali said in a whisper as I watched A walk away.

"Ali stay with me." I said staring at her half closed eyelids.

"I'm sorry. Tell Emily that I love her." Alison said before she closed her eyes.


A/N: please vote and comment

This chapter took me like three hours to write, sorry if it's not long enough



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