~chapter 19~

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Hanna's POV

I started screaming when the contractions started.

Caleb held my hand even though he sat in the passenger seat. We arrived at the hospital ten minutes later.

Toby and Caleb helped me out holding me while I practically waddled to the entrance. As soon as we entered a nurse saw me and quickly wheeled a wheel chair to me.

I sat down on it Caleb still holding my hand.

"How about Ali?" Emily asked as she and Aria held Ali up.

"It's okay. You can go with her." I said through a strained voice.

Emily smiled at me gratefully before another nurse came with a wheelchair for Ali.

"Thanks you so much Hanna." Ali said in pain.

I nodded my head because I couldn't speak. The nurse wheeled me off in a different direction from Ali. Aria, Ezra, and Emily went with her and Caleb, Spencer, and Toby went with me.

We rolled off to a private room and Caleb and the nurse helped me on to the bed.

"Toby and I will go to your house and get the baby stuff and car seat." Spencer said holding my other hand.

"Thanks." Caleb said handing Spencer our house keys.

"Thank you both." I said before another contraction came on.

They left and I was changed into a paper gown.


Let's just say those were the longest hours of my life.


"It's time." Dr. Shepard said as she got in front of me.

"Push Hanna." She said. I grabbed onto Caleb's hand and squeezed it tightly as I pushed.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed in pain.

"Push!" She said. I did it again cracking one of Caleb's knuckle along the way.

"I see the head." Dr. Shepard said. "One more push Hanna."

I pushed with all my might before I heard crying.

I leaned my head back and Caleb smoothed my sweat filled hair.

I saw the doctors go clean my baby up and weigh her. They wrapped her in a blanket and put a soft hat on her.

They took her over to me and I stuck out my arms.

They put her down into my arms and a tear of joy escaped my eye.

Caleb took her small hand and smiled full of joy. She opened her eyes showing off crystal blue eyes.

Before putting on her hat I saw similar hair brown hair as Caleb.

Spencer, Toby, Aria, Emily, Ezra, and Alison in a wheelchair came in.

"Hanna Banana!" Spencer said as they surrounded us.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

"So, what's her name?" Emily asked.

I looked at Caleb and smiled. He smiled back.

"Her name is Treasure Lauren Rivers." I said.

"Awwww!" Aria cooed.

"Here Caleb." I said. He took her holding her with love in his eyes.

"How are you Ali?" I asked sitting up.

"I got stitches on my leg and tomorrow the police are gonna come in for questioning." Ali said with a sigh.

"What are you gonna tell them?" Spencer asked.

"The truth." Ali replied.

"How did A kidnap you?" Ezra asked.

"A year after I disappeared A found out I was alive and lured me to him/she. After I did he used a gas to knock me out and I've been there ever since." Ali explained.

"By the way Melissa is working with A." Aria added.

"What?!" I screeched.

"I'm not surprised." Ali said.


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