~chapter 18~

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Caleb's POV

We almost hit two people as we drove back home. "Watch it Ezra!" Aria screamed.

We stopped before we were about to hit them.

The car lights illuminated the two blonde girls that were in front of us.


I scrambled out the car quickly and ran to my pregnant girlfriend.

"Oh mi God! Are you ok?" Emily asked as she ran towards Alison.

I hugged Hanna as she cried into my shoulder.

Spencer opened up the car door and they led Ali into the car.

Next was Hanna and then the rest of the girls and Toby got in. I got in the front with Ezra and he started driving.

"What happened?" Spencer asked as all of us were still in disbelief.

"Three years ago I was going home after I thought I shut down A. My mom was watching me out the window when somebody hit me in the back of my head. My mom buried me alive. I tried telling her I was alive but my mouth wasn't working.

"That night Mrs. Grunwald pulled me out and tried taking me to the hospital but I ran away. When I was walking I came across your sister Spencer. Melissa. She said she forgave me for Ian and that she wanted to help me.

"But I found out she was A and working with someone else. She helped me disappear that night and the person who hit me is still out there. But Melissa knows who it is." Alison finished.

I was in disbelief. I never knew Alison but that story was horrible and I felt horrible for her.

"We need take Ali to the hospital. Her leg is bleeding." Emily said.

"No. A is still out there I need to stay in hiding." Ali protested.

"Ali please. We'll keep you protected from A. Please." Emily begged taking her hand.

"Also... My water just broke." Hanna said.


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Sorry this was short


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