~chapter 2~

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Hanna's POV

~One week later~

I puked into the toilet the second time this week. "Ugggghh!" I leaned over as I puked again. What the fuck was happening to me.

I forced myself downstairs after 40 minutes of puking. My mom was coming back in an hour and I had to get ready. Caleb went out to get some food.

I was dressed in a loose, light blue crop top, white skinny jeans, and light blue heels. I had on black mascara and eyeliner.

I put up the banner that said "WELCOME HOME". I set the table for three and sat down on the sofa watching Netflix until Caleb came back.

Caleb came back ten minutes later holding some Thai. Inside was rice noodles, basil chow, shrimp fried rice, red and green curry, and California rolls.

We set it all out and sat back on the sofa. Caleb glanced at me. " You wanna do it."

As my reply, I started kissing him.

We heard a car pulling up in the drive way.

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

My mom was home.

I scrambled off of Caleb and started putting on my clothes and so did Caleb.

Ashley's POV

I took out my house keys as I walked up the driveway. As I came closer I heard lots of commotion inside the house.

I unlocked the door and came in. Caleb and Hanna were both standing their out of breath.

"Hey mom." Hanna said as she gave me a hug.

"Hey Mrs. Marin." Caleb chimed in.

"Caleb, your fly's down." I said.

Caleb turned away as he blushed and zipped up his pants. I turned to Hanna, "Your bra is on the sofa." It was her turn to blush.

As they say, mom's know everything.

Hanna's POV

I picked up my bra and avoided eye contact with Caleb and my mom. I've never been more embarrassed. My mom is creepy like that.

I went to the kitchen and Caleb and my mom followed. I've never seen Caleb so red.

We went to the kitchen and ate.


Hanna's POV

It was Monday and it was time to go to school. Aria, Emily, Spencer, and I decided to meet at the brew. I was late because I was puking over the toilet again. My mom left for work early today.

After the puking I went and put on a black and grey sweater with Love written across it, long black Ugg boots, and an infity scarf. Cute.

I arrived at the Brew and my friends were already waiting for me there. I was late.

"Hey Han!" They all said.

I sat down and found that they already ordered me my latte. "Where were you?" Spencer asked.

I sighed. "I was puking."

"Omg Hanna! This is the fourth time. You need to go to the docter." Emily said worried.

I took a sip of my latte, "Guys....I'm worried that..... Im-mm pregnant."

"WHAT!" They all screamed in unison.

A/N: hey guys sorry it me so long to update I had school and hw. Thank u all for reading and voting plz follow me
BTW do u guys think I should add A to this and Alison or.......
Thanks for commenting, comment me your ideas

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