~chapter 10~

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Hanna's POV

"Are you okay Han?" Aria asked again. For the past five minutes her, Emily, and Spencer have been asking me the same question if I am okay.

This time I blew up, "I don't know where my mom is and Caleb hasn't called me back and I'm starting to get worried. All this is causing me stress which isn't good for the baby and this is the second time I have been almost arrested because of A. Also I am hungry."

"The Grille is a few minutes away from here." Emily said as she drove. 

"That sounds good. Thank you guys for supporting me." I said getting emotional.

"Don't cry Hanna Banana." Spencer said turning around from the front seat and taking my hands.

I tried holding back my tears and Aria handed me a tissue. We arrived at the Grille a few moments later.

We walked in and it was barely full. There were only a few people.

We went and sat at a table and waited for the waitress to finally come to our table.

Emily who was trying to eat healthy for swimming ordered a chicken caesar salad and diet cola.

Aria who was a vegan ordered a black beans vegan burger, onion rings, and lemonade.

Spencer ordered steak with a side of salad and sprite.

I ordered a cheeseburger with tomatoes, pickles, lettuce, and etc...... I ordered a side of large fries and mountain dew.

We waited a few minutes in peaceful silence before our food came. My mouth was watering as I smelled the aroma of the food and picked up my cheeseburger and took a big bite and the flavor bursted in my mouth.

"You guys want to have a sleepover at my house tonight. My parents and Melissa are out of town and I don't feel safe there." Spencer said as she cut into her steak.

"Sure." We all replied back.

My phone rang suddenly and I looked at it. It was Caleb. I answered it.

"Hey Caleb." I said as I swallowed a bite of my cheeseburger.

"Hey Han! I just took your mom to the hospital." Caleb said urgently.

I dropped the french fry I was going to eat. "What?" I asked in a strained voice.

"When you called for me to go get her me, Ezra, and Toby found her unconscious in your old room. When I turned her around her eyes fluttered open and she muttered Alison's name." Caleb said in one quick breath.

"I'm on my way." I said trying to hold back my tears AGAIN. What's with these hormones.

I quickly explained to the girls and we paid. The waitress gave us bags to go and we gave her a big tip.

"Let's go." I said. We all got up and existed the Grille and went to Emily's car. 

As we headed to the hospital I kept on thinking about one thing.

"Why do you guys think my mom muttered Alison?" I asked the girls finally.

I looked up at Emily and saw her tremble for a second. She had always liked Alison the most.

"It could probably prove our theory that Alison is alive." Spencer said.

"So are we saying that that Ali knocked out Mrs. Marin because she found out Alison was alive?" Aria asked.

"But what was Ali doing in my room then?" I asked confused.

"Ali is probably A." Emily said. We were all surprised since it was coming from Emily's mouth, but we were all thinking that.

Emily parked and we ran out of the car and ran inside the hospital. We went to the desk and asked for which room Ashley Marin was in.

"Are you immediate family?" The woman behind the desk asked.

"I'm her daughter." I said urgently.

"Room 205." She said. As soon as she said that we started running towards the room.

We soon arrived and we entered. Sitting near my mom on a chair and holding my mom's hand was Caleb.

"Caleb." I breathed as I ran over to him. He got up and engulfed me into a hug. As soon as I put my head into the crook of his neck I was relieved. All the stress left my body, even if it was for a few seconds.

"How is she?" I finally asked when we let go.

"She's fine. She is just resting. She got hit in the back and there is only a bruise." Caleb explained. I went and sat on the chair Caleb was just sitting in and took my mom's hand as I stared at her resting peacefully.

"Where's Pastor Ted?" I asked Caleb again.

"He's in the cafeteria getting coffee for himself, Toby, Ezra, and I." Caleb said once more.

"Wait Ezra and Toby are here?" Aria asked. 

"Yeah they are in the waiting room." Caleb said staring at Aria and Spencer.

"We'll be back Han." Spencer said. 

"I'll go with them and leave you two alone." Emily said as she, Aria, and Spencer left and closed the door behind them.

"How did you get released out of the mall jail?" Caleb asked as he took my other hand.

"They checked the cameras and realized I was set up by A who had on an Emily mask." I explained looking at him.

"Didn't Emily make a mask at that creepy guys place that made those Alison masks?" Caleb asked.

"Yeah. We are planning on going there to find out who bought it so we could find out who A is for once and for all." I said determined.

I heard weak coughing. I turned back around and looked at my mom whose eyes fluttered open. 

"Mom!?" I said as I  gripped her hand tighter and came closer to her.

"Hanna." My mom whispered as she looked up to me.

"Mom who did this to you?" I asked. Caleb came back with a cup of water and helped my mom prop up onto her elbows so she could drink it.

"It was Alison. She's not dead." My mom said as she stared at me, honestly.


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What do you guys think about Alison being alive and did you guys enjoy this chapter?????!!!!!!!

I'll try to update this story tomorrow.

ILY guys<33333


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