~chapter 4~

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Hanna's POV

I couldn't believe it.

I was pregnant. I didn't know whether to be happy or scared.

I love babies and I'll finally get one
I'll be a mother
Caleb will make a great father
My Gram's always wanted grandchildren

I'm only 16
My dad will hate me more than he already does
I'll have to go to school and deal with that drama
Caleb will probably leave me
My mom will maybe kick me out
I don't know how to raise a baby

My brain was on overload. "Guys can we just order some pizza?" I asked. Now that I think about it, I was craving a taco quesadila pizza. It just came out as a new flavor pizza and it tasted good!!!!!

We ended up ordering one taco quesadila(it had two layers, in between there was ground beef holding it together with melted cheese, on top was salsa, cheese, meat, olives, refried beans, and jalapeño peppers) for me, a garden party pizza(tomato sauce, topped with green bell peppers, red onions, mushrooms, Roma tomatoes, spinach, and a balsamic sauce) for Aria, Spencer got a old fashioned meatbrawl(marinara sauce, meatballs, red onions, diced Roma tomatoes, and a stuffed crust.), and Emily ordered a hot and twisted pizza(tomato sauce, topped with salami, sliced jalapeño peppers, red onions, and with a pretzel crust edge.)

We all got small boxes because we all got our own. About 30 minutes later there was a knock on the barn doors. We all jumped because we were in a deep conversation about my unborn baby.

Spencer and Aria went to the doors. It was the pizza delivery man. We paid and then they came back with four boxes. OMG!!! It smelled sooooooo good. The barn was filled with the aroma of the pizzas.

We did some switch-a-roos with the pizza. Honestly they all tasted good. We watched Mean Girls, The Notebook, and The Lion King before we all fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach. I got up quickly and ran to the toilet before I started puking. I felt someone holding my hair back and rubbing my back while I puked.

After a while, I was finally finished. The person that was helping me was Emily. I gave her a hug. "Thanks Em." I said truly grateful for her.

We went back and Aria and Spencer were gone. I looked at Emily. The last time it was Alison. All of a sudden I felt like crying. Emily gave me a reassuring smile, "Don't worry they went to get breakfast."

I breathed a sigh of relieve. Last time Alison went missing. Now my two of three best friends. Hell no. I went and brushed my teeth. When I came back Spence and Ari were already back. They had four coffee's and four breakfast sandwiches. I grabbed a coffee real quick.

"Wait Han!" Emily said. I stared at her so did the other girls. "Once you're pregnant you don't drink coffee." I had trouble taking in what she said. I drink coffee everyday. It's how I start my day.

But, now I was responsible for another life. I put the coffee down and picked up my breakfast sandwich. Spencer picked up my coffee and looked at me. I nodded my head signaling it was okay for her to drink it. I then watched as she gulped the whole thing down.


It was later on in the day. Today I was going to tell Caleb I was pregnant. I saved the pregnancy tests in a brown bag to prove to Caleb I was really pregnant.

I had invited him over and was pacing back and forth in a black tank top, red blazer, black skinny jeans, and red heels. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I knew it was Caleb because I told him when he came to just come upstairs.

"Hey Han." Caleb says greeting me with a kiss.

"Hi Caleb." I said nervously.

Caleb's POV

Hanna seemed nervous. On her bed was a brown bag. What was inside?

"I need to tell you something?" Hanna said.

"What Hanna?" I asked. Was she breaking up with me??

"First, let me get you something to drink." She said. I went and sat on her bed eying the brown bag. "Don't touch the bag!!!!!" Hanna panicked. I backed away from it like it was a bomb. Wtf was wrong????

Hanna then left. I heard her heels clinking down the staircase. I got up and picked up the brown bag.

What was Hanna keeping from me?

Hanna's POV

I was coming back upstairs with a bottle of water. I stood at the door of my bedroom. What I saw made be drop the bottle of water I was holding.

Caleb stood there holding a pregnancy test. He looked up at me. "Hanna. WTF is this."

I flinched. "Caleb.......im-mm pre--gnant......"


A\N: guys I got over 100 views!!!!! Thank u all ily guys so much. Thanks to all my followers and people who vote and comment.
Qotd: what do u think Caleb's gonna do now that Hanna's pregnant??????
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S/o: SarahSchneider8 @pll13579 thanks for commenting on my last chapter and thanks Sarah for leaving kind comments on all the chapters

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