~chapter 13~

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"You found what?!" Spencer said with surprise.

"I found Alison's diary." I repeated myself, still in disbelieve.

"I wonder what it says inside." Aria said staring at the diary.

"Why don't we find out." I said as I opened up the galaxy covered diary to its first page.

Dear Diary,

This has got to be the smartest thing I've ever thought of. I've thought of something to put me on top. Taking people's secrets and using it against them. Manipulating them like they're my puppets or better yet my dolls.

Kisses, A

"OMG!" I exclaimed in awe.

"So, Alison just basically admitted to being A." Spencer said with a dazed look. Matter of fact, we were all dazed. We just confirmed that Alison was A.

"How could she do this to me? How could she do this to us?" Emily said as tears started trickling down her face.

We all crowded around her and had a group hug. "But why?" Aria asked after we finally released from the hug.

"You know Alison. She loved to feed on secrets and she's always treated us like dolls." Spencer said in disgust.

All of a sudden we heard a car parking near the Dilaurentis house. I peered out of the window and stalking towards the house was Mr and Mrs Dilaurentis and Jason.

"Guys, they're headed towards the house." I said panicked as I faced the girls again.

"Let's go then." Spencer said as she headed towards the door.

"We need to close the vent." Aria said as she pried it back on.

"I'm taking the diary along with us." I said as I gripped it tightly in my hand.

"Let's go." Spencer said.

We flew out the room and headed down the stairs. As we neared the window that we first used to get inside the house we heard a key being put inside the lock.

"We need to hurry." Emily said in a whisper.

Spencer went out the window and next was Emily. Aria followed and last it was me. After I got over the ledge. My shirt got stuck on the window ledge.

"Guys help." I said as I couldn't release my shirt from the ledge.

The door opened. "Jason did you forget to close the window before we left?" Mrs. Dilaurentis said in a disapproving voice.

"I did close it." Jason said confused.

"Just go close it." Mr. Dilaurentis said as he and Jessica headed upstairs.

By then the girls had grasped onto me and and were trying to get my shirt off the ledge. The shirt teared, but it finally released. We hurried and hid under the ledge, trying to keep our breathing under control.

The window slammed shut and we waited five seconds before we started running towards the barn. When we arrived. We all looked back towards Ali's house.

"Do you guys see what I'm seeing." Emily said her mouth wide opened.

"What is it Em." I said worried.

"Look at Alison's bedroom." Emily said her eyes fixated up there.

We all looked up there and loud, horrified gasps escaped from them.

Up at the window staring back at us was a dark figure. But from the street lights we could see blonde hair, dazzling blue eyes, and a redcoat.

All of a sudden the street lights went off and shrouded the figure back in black.


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WHat do you guys think about me putting this in the Watty's 2k16


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