~chapter 7~

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Hanna's POV

~3 months later~

Caleb and I had moved into our dream house. It was all white with a black fence covered all around it. In the back was a kiddie playground which added the perfect touch.

Today was the day of my ultra sound and I was to find out the gender of my baby. I was both nervous and happy.

"Hanna!" Caleb yelled from downstairs. I quickly grabbed my purse and ran down the stairs as quick as my fat stomach allowed me to. We got in Caleb's car and headed towards the doctors.


We arrived and waited in the waiting room. "Hanna Marin." the doctor called. Caleb squeezed my hand reassuringly and walked with me to the room.

I layed down on the bed and Dr. Carol rubbed the cold gel all over my stomach. Caleb took my hand and held it.

Then Dr. carol started. All three of us looked up at the screen as she looked for my unborn baby. Finally she stopped and on the screen was a little fetus. Tears popped into my eyes unexpectedly. I looked over to Caleb and his eyes were glistening.

"Well this is your baby. Would you like to know the gender?" Dr. Carol asked me.

I took in a deep breathe, "Yes!" I said excited.

"Well you guys are having a..............."


Caleb and I were driving over to my old house where they had repaired it. My mom was living there now with Pastor Ted. I was happy for them.

I had 5 photos of our baby to give to my friends and my mom. We were heading over to my mom where my friends were waiting to reveal the gender.


5 minutes later we arrived and entered my house. Aria, Emily, Spencer, my mom, and Pastor Ted were there with sandwiches and lemonade waiting for us.

They all gave us a hug before we sat down for them to hear my news.

"So what's the gender of the baby?!" Emily asked quickly and so excited.

"Ok it's a..." I looked at Caleb

"GIRL!!" We both shouted at the same time.

The girls shouted excitedly and Pastor Ted gave me a hug. After that the girls and my mom came over and gave me and Caleb a hug.

"We need to go shopping ASAP!" I screamed at the girls.


A/N: Thank you guys for reading.

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