~chapter 8~

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Hanna's POV

On Saturday the girls came over to go shopping for my unborn baby girl. We headed to the mall in Emily's car. Emily was of course driving, Spencer was riding shotgun and Aria and I were riding in the back.

"Guys, what are we going to do about A?" Spencer asked as she put on her shades.

"We need to find who this psycho is. I don't want my baby to be born with A still after us and maybe that b!tch will come after her." I added on.

Emily added on to this, " But, A is always one step ahead of us."

"Well we need to take control." Aria said as she squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"You know what..... today isn't about A . It's about girl time." I said with a smile.

But, boy was I wrong.


The first store we went into was Toys R Us. 

"OMG!" I cried. "Look at this teddy bear." I held up a big teddy bear which was about the same height as Aria. It had white fur and black beaded eyes.

We went through the whole store and basically bought everything in there. By the time we left there we were all holding a minimum of six bags and I was holding the teddy bear.

"How the hell are we going to continue shopping if we are already holding these bags and this is only our first store?" Spencer, the smart one said.

"Me and Spence could go and put these in the car and come back." Em offered.

 "Ok Aria and I will wait here." I replied.

Aria and I handed the bags and the teddy to Emily and Spencer and they barely could see anything because of the bags piled up in their faces.

Me and Aria broke out laughing. They looked like they were trying to juggle the bags as they tried holding them up.

"We'll be back soon." Emily said in exaggerated pain. 


Emily and Spencer finally came back 5 minutes later.

They immediately pouted when they saw us. Aria and I were eating frozen yogurt while we caught up on girl talk.

"So, you're telling us while me and Em were hauling our a$$es to take those bags to the car, you guys were enjoying frozen yogurt." Spencer said as more as a statement than a question.

"Yup!" I said popping the p. "But.........since me and Aria aren't mean............" 

Aria finished my sentence, "Surprise!" Aria said dramatically as she handed Emily and Spencer the frozen yogurts that she was hiding behind her back

Yes, I know we are childish.

Emily and Spencer grinned as they snatched it from Aria's hand.

"Shall we continue?" Spencer said in a british accent.

"We shall." I said in a terrible accent. We then broke out laughing as we stood up and continued to shop.


 After shopping for some baby clothes, we headed into Forever 21 to shop for ourselves. I found a beautiful diamond heart necklace.

"Ohhhhhhh that's beautiful." Aria cooed when I showed her and the girls.

"How much does it cost?" Emily asked.

I flipped to the price tag and my eyes bulged out of my sockets, "$3000.00."

"Damn." Aria muttered under her breathe. I groaned sadly and I set it back down.

After we bought a few dresses and shoes we headed out the door. As soon as I passed through the censors started beeping. 

Security guards ran towards me quickly and the girls looked at me, their jaws dropped. "Ma'am? Let me see your bag." One of the two guards demanded.

I handed the bag over to him. What was happening?

He took out the diamond heart necklace. Sh!t, I didn't steal that.

My phone then beeped. I was horrified at what I saw.

"I heard jail food makes you fat. Oh wait never mind, you already are. How is your baby going to react knowing her mother is a thief ;)" -A


Caleb's Pov

I knocked on Toby's door and waited to be let in. Hanna left to go shopping and me, Toby, and Ezra are going to "hang out".

"Sup Caleb." Toby said as he opened the door. Inside there waiting was Ezra already waiting.

"So, we promise not to tell the girls." I said as I entered Toby's apartment. Toby and Ezra nodded in agreement. 

"Let's get started." Ezra said.

We headed to the "living room", but really it was our own lair for tracking down A.

"We need to find out who A is. I don't want that "thing" anywhere near my baby girl." I said as I took off my jacket.

"Coffee anyone?" Toby asked as we started.


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter.

Finally my ELA exams are over but this week I have math exams. I am stressed, but I'll try updating again this week and if I don't I'll update next Saturday or Sunday.

Comment any ideas and do you guys like what Caleb, Toby, and Ezra are doing. WIll they find A? ALso, leave some suggestions for baby names ;)

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