~chapter 15~

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Caleb's POV

Ten thirty finally rolled around. The rest of the gang and I were already there, hiding behind some bushes. We were all wearing black.

"The alarm is going to go off as soon as we enter the building. What are we going to do?" Emily asked in a whisper.

"I'm already ahead of you. I disabled any alarms from my computer." I replied.

"So, what's the plan?" Aria asked.

"After we enter, we have to head to the main office, where everything is run. Since we don't know if there is security, we have Toby and Emily, the two strongest, on watch out. The rest of us are going in and I'm going to copy the security cameras on my flash drive, so we could watch it at home." I explained quickly

"Wow, Caleb. Even I'm impressed." Spencer said.

We all entered the building as quiet as we could and started heading towards the main office.

"Emily and Toby keep watch out and whistle or get us if you see anyone headed towards the office." I quickly explained.

They both nodded their heads as the rest of us snuck into the office.

"What do you want us to do?" Aria asked.

"You and Ezra check out the cameras to the main and back entrances to see if there's any sign of A." I explained.

"Okay." Ezra replied as they started to get to work.

"Spencer, I brought two flash drives. All we need is the data from the last 12 hours." I explained quickly.

We both inserted our flash drive and hooked it up to the computer. We brought up a file which held what we needed. We started copying it into the flash drives.

All we needed was five minutes.

"Guys look." Aria said calling us over.

We looked at the back entrance where it was empty. Then a black SUV rode up. Somebody in all black also known as A got out of the passenger seat.

"Wait, who is driving then?" Spencer asked.

"We didn't get there yet." Aria said.

We continued watching. The driver finally came out.

The driver turned around and we all gasped.

It was Melissa Hastings.

"OMG!!" Spencer said her eyes stuck to the screen.

A/N: thank u guys for reading, please to check out my new story Pll Chat, its just the girls texting with Alison and other pll characters

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