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PROLOUGE ! There will be a lot more soon. This will all be in a third person P.O.V... Tell me what you think !   SOONER I GET FEEDBACK THE SOONER THE FIRST CHAPPIE IS UP .   OHHHH AND THE COVER WAS MADE BY My BUDDY JOSHI !!  Aint it pretty? :3

Harry fidgets in his seat, his thumbs playfully chasing each other as he looks around nervously. The leather chair seems to squeak every time he moves his bum, filling the room with an awkward sound.

Now normally, Harry Styles is the face of cool - he can take any awkward situation and turn it right, he's never usually nervous... But then again, it's not every day that he is called in front of one of the most powerful men in the U.K. Now, this man is the one who signs Harrys paycheck every week and he is also the man who has been keeping him and his mum off the streets, but he can be pretty intimidating.

This is the man who brought an almost trillion dollar industry from the ground up and crushed all opponents without so much of a second glance and the fact he needed Harry - well, it worried him. What could the man who has everything and everyone at his disposal want with Harry, the bakers assistant?

The elderly gentleman stares out the window from behind his desk, tapping his ball point pen on his mahogany desk. Harry chews on his lip, playing with a loose string on his jumper as he waits for the powerful man to speak. It feels like hours before the rich and regal voice finally speaks up.

"I'm in need of a favor,"

"Anything, Sir." Harry replies, gnawing on his lip.

A thick file lands in front of the curly headed boy, his hands shoot out and he collects it immediately. His long fingers flips through the pages, his hazel eyes collecting all the information. Once he has read his full he looks up at the elderly man in awe.

"Sir..." Harry starts, but the elderly man holds up his hand and shakes his head.

"Bring me my grandson, boy."

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