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This moment is like Deja Vu for Harry as he sits in his employers office. His butt again slips on the uncomfortable feeling of leather and his fingers chase each other nervously. He doesn't know why he was called in here today, but he has a feeling he wont like the outcome of it. The old man is completely silent, the gears in his head turning. He opens his mouth and says the words that has Harry's life changing direction, the words that breaks more than only his heart. The words that decides his fate.

"How's your mother?"

Niall wakes up when someone knocks on his door, thinking it is Harry he calls them in. But, it's not Harry. It's a man who looks as old as his grandfather, if not older. He is carrying a tray of food, the job that Harry does every morning. The old man is dressed in a suit, just like Harry too.

"Who are you?" Niall asks, forgetting to be polite.

"My name is Edgar, young master. It has been my job to take over as your butler." Edgar smiles, placing the tray of food on Niall's lap.

"But..." Niall's eyebrows scrunch together. "That's Harry's job."

"Mr.Styles has stepped down from the position earlier this morning, I apologize on his behalf." Edgar bows and straightens his pure white gloves - something Harry never wore. Niall is confused, Harry and him were getting along, he doesn't understand why he would just get up and leave. Was it something he did? He gnaws on his lip and picks at his food, not really feeling as hungry as he usually does.

"Do you know why?" Niall finally asks, looking up at Edgar.

"I'm sorry, he did not tell me." Edgar collects Niall's tray and puts it on the cart outside the door. Edgar leaves the room to give Niall privacy to change and get ready for the day ahead of them. There is only three days until the coming out party and the lessons have gotten even harder. Niall showers and dresses in the clothes that he is expected to wear and heads off to Ballroom dancing, seeing as how German was cancelled until after the party.

Niall doesn't see Harry a single time until after dinner, when Harry is bringing in the desserts.

Mr.Horan is watching Harry like a hawk, Harry's expression is stone. Niall tries to get his attention, only to be ignored. Harry places the dessert on the opposite side of the table so he doesn't have to go near Niall and then he just walks out, leaving Niall feeling heartbroken. Harry goes back into the kitchen, not wanting to watch Niall eat.

Once Niall eats a piece of cake and a few cookies, a smaller portion then what he usually eats, he has to excuse himself. Mr.Horan watches as his grandson walks into the kitchen, he trusts Harry enough to make the right decision.

Niall pushes the kitchen door open, all of the other cooks and kitchen staff are on their break before clean up time. Harry is the only one in the room, he is mixing something in a big bowl - his concentration breaks when he sees Niall, but he tries not to acknowledge him.

"Harry." Niall calls out, breaking the awkward silence. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, young master." Harry wipes his hands on his apron, turning around to check on something in the confectionary over. "You shouldn't be in the kitchen."

"I came for some answers." Niall says, trying not to let Harry know how hurt he was being called 'young master' by him. He thought they were passed that - he thought they were in some sort of relationship. "We were getting along just fine, I thought you liked me. I mean, you kissed me!"

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