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Once Niall's foot heals, he seems to change. Harry notices him to be a different person than the boy he left in his room after a break down - and he certainly wasn't the boy from Ireland... He didn't smile anymore, just listened to what he was supposed to do. He wasn't Happy and that was not what Harry wanted.

One day, Niall was sitting with Jay, his German teacher when Harry decided enough was enough. He walks up to Jay and tells him that class will end early. The German man was a little disheartened, he has taken a bit of a liking to the boy, not that he would ever admit it - that would hurt his big tough reputation. Harry picks Niall up by the arm and drags him to Harry's bed room. He knows he is going to regret this when Mr.Horan finds out, but right now Niall seems to be missing his smile.

"What are you doing, Harry?" Niall sighs, his voice low. "I have lessons to attend to, though I am ahead in German - my ballroom dancing skills are atrocious."

"Stop talking like that." Harry snaps, unlocking his bedroom door. He pushes Niall in and closes it behind him. "I have to apologize."

"For what, you are only doing your job." Niall answers life-lessly, he starts to think about how hungry he is. He rubs his stomach, wanting to go eat.

"For taking your guitar, even though it was my job I shouldn't have. I knew it was your moms and how much it means to you."

"If you did then you -"

"I know, I shouldn't have done it in the first place but your grandfather ordered me to." Harry sighs, going into his closet. "But, I didn't throw it out like he wanted." He takes the guitar out and hands it to Niall like a peace offering.

"I couldn't." Harry sighs, shoving the guitar into Niall's shaky hands.

Niall stands there, his guitar in his hands and it absolutely speechless. For the last two or so weeks he has been walking around like a zombie, feeling incomplete without his mum's guitar. Now, he has it. He looks up at Harry with teary eyes, he wants to curse himself; He swore no more crying, but he couldn't help it.

"Thank you." Niall whispers, putting the guitar down and confusing Harry.

Niall then pulls Harry into a tight hug, nuzzling his face into Harry's neck. Harry freezes under Niall's touch, but snaps out of it and wraps his arms around the small shoulders of the boy infront of him.

"I brought you here to make you happy, not miserable." Harry mumbles, "My heart broke when you said you didn't like me anymore."

"I never said I didn't." Niall mumbles, his ears turning red as he pulls away. They both smile but say nothing more, it wasn't the right time. Niall looks at his watch and sighs.

"I have a lunch with Grandfather, he is taking me out."

"Oh," Harry steps back and blushes. "Then you should go get ready."

Niall nods with a shy smile and walks to his room, waving a little on his way out. His guitar is by his side as he walks and the moment he goes into his room he puts it on its stand. He swears that when he gets home he is going to play enough to make up for the last two weeks without it.

After getting ready, Niall heads out to the escalade parked outside the mansion. For some reason, his grandfather already left and will be meeting Niall at the restaurant, he was told to wear a suit. Niall pulls at the stupid bowtie he was forced to wear and looks out the window as the car drives. Harry wasn't allowed to come and escort Niall to this lunch, it was too formal and Niall felt nervous. He hasn't been alone with his grandfather, ever and they already have a sort of strained relationship.

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