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Harry heard the whole conversation and listened in awe. Niall is getting Married? He didn't know this, or want this. His heart breaks knowing that the guy he likes will be with someone else, will be held...or hold someone else. Harry stands outside Niall's door, he bites his lip contemplating whether it was a good Idea to interrupt whatever Niall was doing. He sighs and lifts his hand to knock, only for the door to open before his knuckle could connect. Niall grabs Harry by his collar and drags him in, slamming the door behind him.

"Did you hear that?" Niall rants, pacing in his room. "The old shit is marrying me off."

"I heard..." Harry says quietly.

"He can't do that! I wont do that." Niall chuckle, not even listening to Harry. "I wont marry someone I don't love, I want to fall in love with someone. He wont approve of course, why would he? His grandson, Gay? Blasphemy, and the thought of him liking and maybe one day loving a pastry boy, a butler!"

Harry is quiet listening to his rant, but his eyes widen at what Niall says. Niall wants to fall in love with him! HIM! Harry can't stop the smile on his face as he reaches forward.

"I mean, Giselle?" Niall smirks. "Who names their child after-"

He is cut off as his lips connect to Harry's, his eyes widen before they close. The kiss is heated, their lips moving together perfectly in sync. Niall wraps his arms around Harry's neck as Harry wraps his arms around Niall's waist. They fit together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces. Niall's heart flutters, beating uncontrollably, he gasps as Harry nudges his lips with his tongue and opens them with no resistance. Their lips mold together, their tongues battle for dominance, Niall lets Harry win - knowing that he is the more dominant one between the two of them.

Harry presses Niall against the wall, his hands wondering all over the smaller boy fit body, his fingers grazing over Niall's arms, waist, stomach. Niall trembles, pulling back from the kiss to gasp and bite his lip. Harry lets his hands slither up Niall's shirt, skin against skin and he slowly drags the material up and over Niall's head.

 Niall's hands go up to Harry's tie, loosening it. The two boys breath heavily, eyes closed in pleasure as their clothed groins rub against each other.

"Harry!" Niall moans at the quick movement of the other boys hips, dry thrusting against him.

The moment it lustful, and then it ends. A loud and annoying beeping comes from Harry's pocket, snapping both of the boys out of the trance they were in. Niall stares into the calm Harry's eyes with a huge blush coming over his face. Harry pulls out his beeper and sighs, a bashful smile on his face.

"I have to go." He pulls back from his bosses grandson and rubs his neck. "You should take a cold shower."

And with that, Harry leaves Niall high and dry, with a gaping mouth. He slides down against the wall.

"I can't...." Niall groans, rubbing his face. "Fuckin' Dick."

 A few days go by before the two boys see each other again; Niall hated it. He didn't know what was going on between the two of them or what even brought on Harry's attack. He sighs as he moves his feet to the classical tone along with his partner.

"You have improved so much in so little time, Mr.Horan!" The teacher, Mrs.D'velle, giggles. Niall rolls his eyes and thanks her. "You will be ready for your coming out party next week."

"Wait, that's next week?" Niall asks, blinking.

"We have been over this multiple times already, that's why you have these lessons." Mrs.D'velle sighs, "I told you this yesterday, last week, last month. You need to be more focused."

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