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Harry seems to follow Niall around for days, not giving up. Niall feels stalked, but can tell that Harry is really dedicated, he doesn't know why that this is such a big deal to the curly headed lad. After the second week of being followed around ends, Niall has had enough.

Harry stands outside his house all night, every night. Harry follows Niall to work every morning and to the underground every evening, it's as if the Chesire Lad doesn't have a life of his own. Niall just needs some peace and quiet and his reserve is slowly chipping away.

It's nearly midnight now on the Sunday night, It just started to rain and Niall watches as Harry takes shelter underneath his neighbors balcony. He groans, he doesn't want to feel bad for his stalker - but his mother raised him better than this. He pulls his over-sized jumper closer to himself and opens his front door, squinting through the heavy downfall. His feet slip as he makes his way down the concrete steps and onto the street, but he catches himself. After a seemingly long walk, he is standing in front of Harry, his umbrella covering both of them from the showers.

Harry looks up, surprised. What Niall didn't know is that he was actually on the verge of giving up, he was going to pack his nearly empty bag and head back to his cheap motel...Call Niall's grandfather and call the whole thing quits. Niall didn't seem to budge no matter how persistent he was, but this, this generosity is what stops him.

What Harry has been doing to Niall is close to Harassment, they both know that... Niall hasn't reported him, even though he has been annoying and a nuisance, most other people would have had Harry sent to jail at least four times by now - but not Niall.

Niall doesn't realize that Harry has noticed him staring at him through the window every night with a worried expression. Or that it was actually Niall who kept slipping him goodies when he visited the Café that Niall worked at.

Niall was nice, that isn't a popular trait anymore. The world is full of rude, inconsiderate people, Niall was like a fresh air. This mission was no longer for Niall's grandfather, Harry had started to want Niall to come home for himself as well.

Niall works hard everyday, he makes an impact on everyone he meets and Harry just wants more for the blonde lad. More than living in an old house that he could barely afford to live in, more than having a job and playing his guitar for chump change. More than going hungry on some nights, because he spent all his money on the bills. Niall deserves to live the life that his grandfather is offering and Harry doesn't want to give up until he sees Niall there.

Niall holds out his hand, almost impatiently, waiting for Harry to hold on. Harry does, surprising himself as he stands on his two weak legs.

"Come on then, lets get you inside, all this rain could get someone sick." Niall mumbles, his 'mum' personality showing its colors. He leads the lad into his house for the first time and Harry gets an eyeful.

The house, even though Niall has lived alone for the last two plus years, looks cozy - lived in; as it should, but it only Niall knows that the house hasn't changed in two years. Nothing big has been moved, nothing has been repainted, it's the same as his parents left it that dark day.

Niall sheds his jumper and his other wet clothes and motions for Harry to do the same, he walks into the kitchen and pours a hot cup of tea. Harry sits down on the stool in only his boxers, feeling a little shy - which is unusual. Harry walks around his own home stark naked, he doesn't care - but in front of Niall, it's a little different.

"Once your finished, you can take a shower." Niall says softly, "You're a bit taller than me, but I think I have some pajamas that might fit you."

"You don't have to do that-" Harry tries to speak but Niall holds his hand up, silencing the lad.

"I want to; you will take a shower, I will wash your clothes and then we will sit down and have a chat. Then the night will end with you falling asleep peacefully in my guest room." Niall says everything surely, Harry doesn't have any other choice. Once Niall decides something, nothing changes what will happen.

So, once his tea is finished, he follows Niall to the bathroom. He sheds his boxer briefs and hops in the shower. A few minutes later the bathroom door opens and Niall slips in, putting the pajamas on the sink, trying to avoid looking into the shower, even if his curiosity is becking at him to do so. He leaves the steamy bathroom and sits on his bed, which is facing the bathroom door. After what seems like hours, Harry finally emerges, looking as handsome as ever. His hair flat, water dripping slowly from his hair and a shy smile on his face.

Niall wants to slap himself for even thinking of Harry as 'Handsome', but he can't because even he knows that it is true. He sighs and pats the empty spot on his bed next to him, waiting for Harry to join him so they can get this talk over with. Harry practically runs to the spot, but cools it down and makes it look natural. They sit in an almost awkward silence, until Harry breaks it.

"I think it would be best if you came with me to see your grandfather." He says, beating straight to the punch.

Niall sighs again, he has been doing that a lot lately. "Why?"

Harry raises his eyebrows, not really expecting that. "Uh, because...." He scratches his neck. "You're the heir to this really big fortune, you can be living the good life. No more bills, no more playing for chump change in the subway, no more going hungry. Your grandfather wants to see you, that's why he hired me."

Niall is silent, looking at Harry from the corner of his eyes as he thinks. Harry gnaws on his lip and continues.

"I'm the bakers assistant, I work at the house, in the kitchen. My mum was your dad's maid I guess you could say. Gramps thought it was best that someone closer to your age should approach you to make it more comfortable for you - see it's like he is already thinking about you."

Niall doesn't want Harry to think he was seriously considering this option, but honestly, he was. His grandfather is the only living family he has left, he is his father's father - no matter if he was disowned or not...It's still family, he should give the old man a chance. Right?

"I can meet him, but I wont make any decision to stay until afterward." Niall says cautiously, he watches as this huge smile makes it's way to Harry's face.

"Awesome!" Harry exclaims, "It's a good start,"

"I suppose." Niall mumbles as Harry sticks out his hand.

"We'll be seeing a lot more of each other, Niall Horan."

Niall puts his hand in Harry's and gives him a proper hand shake, a small smile making it's way onto his face.

They don't really say anything more important for the rest of the night, they just watch a few movies until the eventually pass out side-by-side on Niall's Queen sized bed. They both know they are going to have a big day tomorrow, but they don't realize how life changing it will be for either of them, quite yet.

THANKS GUYS ! I got those 1O Votes in less than 24 hours - :) Can we keep that going? Another 1O Votes for another chapter? :))  

Dedicated to Jze1812 because I love how he keeps rating me :D !

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