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Niall leans against the wall the he is closest too, his eyes widening with every word that he hears. His hands are shaking, he sees red. Everything makes so much sense now that he knows the full story.

Time passes quickly in the Horan Mansion, Niall had started up homeschooling - business classes, other languages, accounting. He has also started working at the corporation, he spends at least ten hours a day in the big building about twenty miles from home. He pours everything into work so he could get a standing, so he doesn't have to think about how much he hates his life. It will all be worth it in the end, that's what everyone says to him, that's what Harry used to say to him.

Nobody knows that Niall has ears all over the place, his influence in the mansion is growing as each day passes. Mr.Horan doesn't even realize that his grandson is gaining influence quickly. The boy knows what is going on and he is no longer going to put up with the charade. Niall has seen Harry around the mansion from time to time since his coming out Party, but neither boy made a move to talk to the other. Niall honestly misses talking to Harry, he wants so much to go up to him and make everything better - but it isn't time yet. Patience is virtue for this situation.

Edgar waits for the younger Horan in the lobby, he is worried for the boy - he is turning into a proper workaholic and it was unhealthy for him. Niall skips means frequently, something that is completely unheard of seeing as how that boy loves food more than life itself, he says he doesn't have time for it. How could he not have time for food?

Giselle and Niall have officially been engaged for six months, the two go out to dinner once a month - it is always an awkward affair. Niall always stays silent while Giselle goes on and on about her wonderful life and the future. Niall doesn't want to combine their futures, he is still thinking of a way out of that one. But until then, Niall has another dinner with his fiancée.

Edgar leads the younger Horan to his car, Edgar taking the drivers seat and Niall sliding into the back. Niall is more exhausted today then usual, he looks out the window and sighs.

"Edgar, change of plans. Inform Giselle that we will be having this dinner at the mansion, I am to tired to hold up appearance in public. Let my grandfather know and also tell the chefs to prepare something that she would like."

Edgar looks in the rearview window and nods, he picks up his car phone and starts making the calls.

Back at the mansion, Harry just received word that he has to keep chocolate out of dessert tonight, apparently Giselle is allergic. Harry hates that woman, sometimes she comes by the mansion and she acts like she owns the place. She stormed into the kitchen one day yelling and screaming about how the consistency of her steak was horrible and she doesn't like to taste the blood of the animal she was eating. She was crazy and Harry it makes Harry hate her twenty times as much. It's enough that the man he is in love with was at one point being forced to marry her - it's 'at one point' because Harry has recently noticed that Niall is putting up little to no fight against this engagement and it hurts. Harry sighs and throws his chocolate mousse in the garbage and decides to just go with an upside down pineapple cake.

Mr.Horan has an appointment with some business partners so he wont be joining Niall and Giselle at dinner, Niall can't tell if that's a good thing or if it's bad just yet. He hopes it works to his advantage.

Niall sits down at the head of the table, leaning back in his chair as he waits for his guest and for his food. He rubs between his eyes slowly, his head aches but he pushes the pain aside. Moments later, Giselle walks in with her head held high. She sits down at the opposite end of the table from Niall, which signals that they are ready for the food. Niall waves two fingers at Edgar and he nods, heading to the kitchen to summon the food.

"Hello, Niall." Giselle leans forward, a small smile on her face. "Why the change of location, I was expecting a big fancy dinner as Delizioso."

"Well, you are free to leave and go enjoy that dinner...Alone." Niall lifts an eyebrow as Edgar walks back into the room, some of the kitchen help following behind him with the first course.

Giselle huffs and crosses her arms, she is used to Niall's attitude, she knows he doesn't love her - she just can't explain why. She beautiful, rich, smart, the full package. No guy has ever rejected her, Niall intrigues her - she is interested in Niall and is glad that he was the one that she has to marry. He is attractive, rich and obviously a genius to be rising through the ranks so early into the game.

She taps her manicures nails against the wooden table as one of the kitchen help lays the food in front of her. She stares straight at Niall, who digs in immediately. She doesn't say thank you, she just digs in to her salad. Two courses go by in silence, dessert is about to be served and Giselle has just about enough. She hated dessert in the Horan house, it wasn't the problem with the food - it was who served it that bothered him.

Harry Styles is another handsome lad who lives in this house. If he doesn't think she sees the way that Harry looks at Niall when no one is looking, he has another thing coming. She has also seen the way that Niall looks at Harry. She knows something is up with them, something they are both trying to ignore. She just can't make the connection.

Harry walks into the room carrying a tray of the Pineapple upside down cake, he lays a slice in front of Giselle first. He notices the glare on her face, but chooses to ignore it. Harry then takes his long strides over to Niall, his eyes on the floor as he places the cake in front of him.

It only takes a split second for Niall's hand to snake out and grab onto Harry's wrist, Giselle doesn't notice it, seeing as she is to far into enjoying her cake. But Harry's whole body heats up and he has to hold down a shiver. He tries not to, but he finally meets Niall's eyes for the first time in months.

When Hazel meets blue, emotions that both boys have held in just seem to pour out through the gaze. Niall feels his heart swell when Harry doesn't look away, Harry feels his heart pound against his chest.

Though they have not been in contact, their love for each other only grew stronger since they parted. It was the distance that made their love strong, and Niall wasn't going to ever give up. He pulls Harry's arm, forcing the taller boy to lean down.

"I know what my grandfather is doing and I wont let him get away with it." Niall's whisper is deep, throaty. Harry can tell it is full of emotions. Niall practically throws Harry's harm away, forcing the pastry chef to stumble backwards just a little. Nobody noticed the exchange, but Harry makes a quick escape regardless. His face is flamed when he walks back into the kitchen, many of the other chefs ask him what's wrong, but he just ignores them as he slides down the wall with a small smile on his face. Maybe things are just starting to look up for him after all.

15 votes until the next chapter, you guys are to amazing for words - I'm sorry that this chapter isn't very long, it was mostly just a filler.

I don't know how much longer this will be.. I'm just going with the flow really. Keep those comments coming !

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