Last Chapter & Epilogue

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Mr.Horan leans back in against his leather chair, his business partners all file in one by one until the room is full of ten men and woman who all smell of money. Mr.Horan can't help but notice one or two missing, but he thinks nothing of it. He smiles at his guests and offer them refreshments, they all accept. That itself was rare, usually they would decline and get straight into business.

"Thank you all for joining me today, I'm so glad you could make it." Mr.Horan stands, looking at the room. He opens his mouth to continue speaking, but someone speaks up before him.

"Oh, we're actually not staying." Dean Atkins, an oil contributer speaks up, he licks his fingers clean of jelly and smiles. He crosses his hands in front of him. "I've only come to tell you that I am relinquishing every and all ties to the Horan Inc, I have found a better place to sponsor and place my finances into.

"Me too," Miss Evangaline Hooker, owner of the biggest Trading company in the world.

Everyone else in the room quickly agrees and tells Mr.Horan the same thing, that they no longer need him. Someone newer, fresher and more reliable has come into the picture and Mr.Horan needs to know who. He is furious.

"Who!?" He slams his hands onto his table, which shakes.

"Graffiti industries," A familiar voice answers from the doorway. Everyone in the room turns to the voice, smiles placing themselves on everyones face but Mr.Horan's.

Mr.Horan is shocked to see his grandson standing at the door, his arms crossed and an almost bored expression on his face as they lock eyes.

"What are you going on about, Niall?" Mr.Horan asks, sighing. "This is a closed meeting, you know that you aren't allowed in here."

"I'm allowed in here just as much as you. Actually," Niall puts his finger to his chin. "I have even more of a right to be in here than you."

Everyone in the room leans back, everyone loves some good Drama.

"What do you mean?" Mr.Horan asks, his eyes squinted in anger. His grandson is speaking in riddles and in front of all of his peers. Or people he thought to be his peers.

Niall walks into the room and stands next to a German name, Alixander Heff, the Horan family Accountant. "Alix, can I see those files?"

"Of course, Sir." Alix hands Niall the manila folder, he opens it and slides the papers to his grandfather who looks at them with Wide eyes.

"What I mean is that, before I came here Horan industries was quickly falling into debt. That's why you needed me, to save your own ass." Niall chuckles darkly, "I contacted Alix here to open my own accounts and stumbled across this little fact. Lucky for me it was soon enough that I could separate my assets from yours."

Niall walks around and sits at the opposite end of the table at the head of the table. He folds his hands and leans back into his chair.

"Your plan was to Marry me off to Giselle's family and combine our fortunes, which would help us gain our fortune. Little did you know that Giselle's family is this close." He presses his thumb and forfinger together, "To being just as broke as you are."

Mr.Horan's body starts to shake.

"I called that engagement off, lets just say they weren't pleased with your financial situation either." Niall waves a hand and then smiles at all the people around him. "My studies have been excelling so much it gained attention from your peers. I've been actually connecting with them for months, we have a pretty close relationship, don't we guys."

Everyone smile and nod their heads, it's true. Niall has a connection with them all, it's not just business for him, unlike his grandfather. Niall took the time to get to know them, rather then just jumping in and talking money. They aren't just partners in business, their friends.

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