Go 五

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Niall is forced into the shower by two very handsy maids, they force him out of his clothes - not even pretending to be embarrassed that he is half naked in front of them. They then push him in the bathroom and walk away. Niall stares at the shower as if it was some sort of bomb he had to defuse, he always hated dealing with unfamiliar showers. What if the water was to hot? To cold? What if he couldn't turn the darn thing on, or if the nozzle became stuck?

He basically just goes with the flow, not really knowing the point of it at all. He was basically clean - he took a shower that morning, but he showered again to please his grandfather. Once he is finished, he ties a very fluffy towel around his waist and goes into the room that the maid said was his. Now that he has time, he lets himself look over the spacious room.

The walls are a rich burgundy, matching the bed sheets on his King-Sized bed. His rug looks like a caramel color, his dresser and desk are both a light colored wood. One his desk lays a new, and expensive looking laptop. His window leads to a large balcony that looks over the backyard, which is also very big. He walks back into his room and sees a door, which he opens. He gasps as he walks into the huge closet which is already full of clothes - nice, expensive looking clothes.

Niall quickly gets dressed in the first matching outfit he finds and walks out of the room, getting lost right away.

It's about five minutes before a random butler finds Niall and leads him to the dinner table, where his grandfather is already eagerly waiting for him. He slowly walks to long table, taking the seat on the left side of his grandfather, who is sitting at the head of the table. His grandfather nods with a small smile on his face, and then three men in chef outfits walk in with large plates in their hands. Niall smells the delicious food immediately and has to force himself from drooling when they take the lids off.

All of his favorite food is sitting in front of him, he doesn't second thing digging in immediately. He recognizes the sound of a deep chuckle and he looks up at his grandfather who is watching him with a serious expression, but he is the only person in the room who could have laughed. Niall smiles shyly, wiping a bit of ketchup off his lip.

"Now, Niall I know you must have many questions to ask me." His grandfather sighs, "But please, let me speak while you eat and hopefully I can get many of them out of the way."

Niall nods, watching the older man while he eats. Sure, Niall is curious, he wants to know everything, the whole story. He wants to know the man that his father never spoke up nicely, or only brought up when he was cursing him up and down. He wanted to know what his father was like as a kid, why his father was disowned, for real - and most of all, why he felt the need to reach out to Niall now.

"You see, Your Father was my only child. His mother passed on during child birth, leaving only him in her wake. Some what, I resented the boy for that, we didn't have the most loving relationship. He was my heir, the one who would have had all this fortune and the companies I run would be his...He tried to bond with me, but he was to much like his mother, it pained me. I loved the boy, I just didn't know how to show it...That was what ruined us." Niall's Grandfather, sighs. "He was engaged, he was only eighteen, but in my time that was a very ripe age to marry. Her name was Eliza Strombringer, she was beautiful I suppose. Her father and I were great friends, it was arranged. Your father had little to no resistance, he didn't care."

Now this story, Niall didn't know. He leans in his chair, hanging on every word, his opinions changing with every finished sentence.

"He was a wild child, that boy." The old man couldn't even speak his own sons name anymore. "After I told him about his engagement, he barely listened to me at all. He would never come home and when he did it was only to sleep or shower. He might not have thought I would notice, but I did. He was pulling back out of everything. I would be in my office, always waiting for him to come home. A month before the wedding, I had business in Ireland that I could not attend, so I sent him in my stead."

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