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Harry is dressed up to the nine, or he is for a pastry chef at least. He is wearing all white, from his shoes to his slacks to the overcoat apron that all fancy chefs wear. He also has the high top chef hat, it holds down his unruly curls and makes Harry unbelievably stuffy. He pulls at his collar impatiently as he holds his tray. The woman in front of him cant seem to choose between the crème puff or a strawberry tart.

Harry resists the urge to roll his eyes when she just waves her hand claiming that she is on a diet, the woman was a twig as it is. He likes a person who can eat their fill, or rather a person who just loves food. His mind wanders to that specific person but he shakes it off.

No regrets Styles, Mum comes first.

How he hates Mr.Horan for making him choose, the man was a tyrant. He holds back a sigh and turns to the door.

The party has only been going on for a little over an hour and he already wants to leave, maybe he could 'accidently' cut himself with a knife - then Mr.Horan would just have to let him leave. He begged for this day off - not wanting to get in the way of Niall's big day. He didn't have a choice, obviously he hasn't had that since he was caught necking it with Niall. How he misses holding that boy in his arms, he shudders gleefully at the memories.

He may not be able to hold him anymore, but that doesn't mean he has to stop fantasizing about it.

He jumps to the sound of a door opening next to him, he looks over and sees him, Niall, looking more handsome then ever.

The young master's blonde hair is styled so it lays flat, but stylishly so. His tux is practically painted on, but he makes it look good with his muscles. All eyes are on the newest addition to the party, Niall knows how to gain attention and hold a room - he stands out.

Though he knows that Harry is standing only a few feet from him, Niall just walks on through the room, ignoring everyone but his butler that is whispering people's names and class into his ear. He nods his head a few times, just to show him that he was listening.

Though it is his party, Niall would rather be anywhere else. His mind is racing, he is always thinking of an escape route. He stops infront of his grandfather who wears what looks like a proud smile.

"Everyone," Mr.Horan taps his fork against his glass, gaining everyone in the rooms' attention. "I would like to introduce my Grandson, Niall, the heir to my fortune."

Claps, all around the room people clap and cheer. Niall feels as if he was being treated as a trophy, but that is all he was after all; a Trophy head for his grandfather's fortune. Younger people with money always gain more attention then the elderly, fresh face and all. His grandfather enjoys the gossip, as long as it is beneficial to him.

"I also have an announcement, involving Niall." His grandfather smiles at him, it looked almost genuine, Niall would have thought it to be so if he hadn't learned who the man truly was. "He is engaged!"

More claps, a few gasps and then there is Harry. Harry almost drops his tray, it wasn't supposed to happen this soon - there was supposed to be months before the engagement announcement. They are only eighteen, they weren't to be wed for two more years!

Giselle walks elegantly towards the stiff and motionless Niall, she loops her arm through his and smiles at the crowd - loving the attention. Everyone in the room already know who the hotel heiress was, she was famous. Sort of like Paris Hilton, bit less gaudy and she didn't party as much. She was the elegant Hotel Heiress, the type that wins piano competitions and has the voice of an angel.

She was an American Icon, but apparently she decided it was time to take it to the U.K, marry into a family whose fortune rivals her own. Her expression is happy, but Niall could tell it was forced. Since their meeting the two of them couldn't get along. She wants to be the center of attention, Niall would gladly hand her that - but he doesn't want to stand up there with her. He doesn't want to be her prize, he never even wanted this life to begin with and he is done trying, while she tries a little to hard.

There is congratulations all around, people who don't even know him pat Niall on the back and tell him about 'how great' of a 'catch' Giselle is. They worship him already. Niall just stands there with a fake smile and simply nods at everyone. Giselle is ticked that he is getting all the attention he didn't want, while she stands there.

"I heard he graduated with honors in high school."

"His grandfather talks about how he is a business prodigy,"

"Apparently he is almost already fluent in German, though he has only been learning for about two months."

Niall ignores all the rumors and separates from the crowd to lean against the wall, Edgar is at his side almost immediately, his hands clasped behind his back. Edgar's eyes land on Harry's who is staring from across the room.

Harry doesn't acknowledge the other butler, his eyes are only on Niall. His heart hurts in his chest and he wants nothing more than to cross the room and take the boy in his arms. He wants to run away from this world with nothing but a backpack and Niall, but he can't.

Harry's mum is everything to him.

He places the tray in his hands down at the table, he is done for the night whether Mr.Horan approves or not, he wants to see his mum. He wipes his hands on his pants and walks out of the mansion and to the live-in-help house. The house is quiet, as it should be seeing the only one home is Harry's mum. He walks to his mum's room and sees she is already up and waiting for him. Tears fill his eyes as he takes her in. She has a sad smile on her face and she opens her arms for her baby boy.

She runs her fingers through his hair and rubs his back, just like she did when he needed comforting as a child. They talk about everything, and nothing at the same time. Harry couldn't loose this, he wouldn't ... no matter how much it hurt.

Don't Worry guys ! It gets better, I should know ;)  Some of you have good guesses as to what is going on ! Good work.  :D

15 votes until the next chapter, & Keep the comments coming. I love reading them!!


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