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Mr.Horan walks through the hallways with a small smile on his face, he has just returned from a meeting that was supposed to be hard. The deal wasn't supposed to be an easy task, there was supposed to be negotiations made and money spent - but he didn't need to do any of that.

Mr.Horan got to the meeting only to find out that his grandson went ahead of him and talked to their business partners already. Niall's influence made the deal done before Mr.Horan even needed to open his mouth. The boy was a people person, a crowd pleaser, he had a real effect on people that Mr.Horan and his son never had. Niall is the future of this company, and soon enough Mr.Horan will no longer have to lift a finger - all the work and benefits will belong to Niall, his soon-to-be wife and their future children.

He makes it to his office door, to see Niall leaning against it with a his feet crossed.

"Niall, what a surprise for you to come and search me out." Mr.Horan's eyebrows shoot up, "I've heard nothing but wonderful things about you lately, this company will be in great hands when I retire."

"Retire." Niall says whispers to himself, "It may come sooner than you thought."

"What?" Mr.Horan leans down, not hearing what Niall was saying.

"Nothing, I was just saying that you were right about me having to work hard for this. I didn't know how enjoyable this whole thing would be." Niall smiles innocently, he has done far more than what his grandfather knows. Over the last few months he has gained some new allies, new business partners, made more contracts and has stashed some money in places his grandfather would never discover. It was all apart of the plan that everyone would know in due time.

Mr.Horan smiles, his grandson is finally getting it - finally realizing all he is worth and all he can do. He is proud, but he feels something isn't right - a gut feeling. Stupidly enough, he blames it on indigestion.

Niall uncrosses his legs and pulls a watch from his pocket, his father's watch. Mr.Horan's eyes light up at the sight of the family heirloom, he thought his son had thrown the item away. Niall has to cover up the smirk at his grandfather's expression.


"My dad gave it to me, said it was to be passed down to the first born son. You see, even if you disowned him, even if he shamed you and ran away with my mother...He still kept the Horan name, he didn't throw away his passed...He just wanted a different future for himself then you did." Niall closes the watch and slides it back into his pocket. "He was still the same man who you loved, he just loved someone enough to make sacrifices."

Mr.Horan doesn't get what Niall was speaking of, he waited for the boy to continue.

"I'm the same way, I will be making sacrifices too, changes. I will be rid of some people, kitchen staff maybe, along with others." Niall says nodding, Mr.Horan smiles at this. The boy is turning out better than he expected. He thinks Niall is ready to be rid of the Styles boy and he is glad for that, he has been nothing but a distraction. Before, Niall was misreble - he hated this place... But once Mr.Horan forced the two apart, Niall has been successful.

"I agree." Mr.Horan nods, a huge smile on his face. "Be rid of whoever you wish!"

"Oh," Niall smiles, kicking off the wall with a secret smile of his own. "In due time, grandfather."

Harry sits next to his mum's bed, she is softly snoring through her oxygen mask. Last night was one of those bad days and her son was awake and  by her side, the whole entire time. He didn't have any shut eye and is not prepared for the big lunch that Mr.Horan has planned for this afternoon, he doesn't want to leave her side in case something happens. He stares at the peeling wallpaper, his mind everywhere. He doesn't even notice his mother's door open, or Niall walk in. Not until the blonde boy is by his side. Harry practically jumps out of his skin, he wasn't prepared for this - not yet.

"Mr.Horan," Harry quickly stands up, noticing Niall's butler in the back. He can't be too casual with Edgar around, you never know if he would run his mouth to the family head.

"Stop with the formalities, you cunt." Niall sneers, taking a seat by Harry's mum. "Edgar is a good man, he's on my side.. He doesn't agree with my grandfather either."

Harry blinks and looks back at Edgar who smiles at him; Edgar has heard the whole story from Niall, the way that Harry and Niall have a strong connection, that Niall is in love with him, that Harry is being forced away from him. Edgar has a gay son, so he has no problem with what is going on. He also thinks of Niall as family, which is why he is glad that he is in love. The butler also knows Harry, he was around when Harry was born. He babysat the boy a few times and he approves and thinks that Harry is a good man.

"I came here to give you good news." Niall says, smiling down at the sleeping woman. He presses his hand to her clammy forehead, it calms her down enough to stop stirring in her sleep. Harry's eyes widen, what he just did was kind of like magic, or just a calming talent.

"What news?" Harry says, quietly.

"I've taken the liberty of changing her doctor." Niall stands up and gives Harry a shy smile. "I also took the bill from my grandfather and put it in my name, so you don't have to worry about him using her against you."

"You what?!"  If possible, Harry's jaw would have hit the ground. He didn't know Niall had that kind of power, or that his grandfather would even let that happen. "Dr.Horchester was a good doctor, and there is no way your grandfather would have let you do that."

"No, he wouldn't have. That's why I didn't tell him that I was doing it." Niall shrugs, "And yes, Dr.Horchester is a brilliant doctor, but Dr.Chao is even better."

Now, Harry knows who Dr.Chao is. Dr.Chao is a Chinese doctor from China, he is one of the leading men in the cancer search for a cure and has practically erased the cancer cells from many women - letting them live a long life free of Cancer. He is practically impossible to get a hold of, and super expensive.

"Why?" Harry asks, not knowing why Niall would go through so much.

"Because." Niall rolls his eyes, as if the answer should be obvious to him. "I will not let a wonderful woman die just because of a broken man's greed. I like you Harry, I will not stand by and let him ruin you, ruin your mother. It's not right."

Harry is speechless, but his mother on the other hand, she isn't. Neither boy noticed that she had woken up, so they are startled when she speaks.

"My son is lucky to have a boy like you," Anne speaks up, removing her mask. She is smiling widely as she looks back and forth between the two boys. "I am lucky that my son has you."

"It's not luck." Niall smiles softly, taking his seat next to her again. He leans down to whisper in Anne's ear, he speaks quietly so Harry doesn't hear him. "It's Love."

Harry's mum giggles and Harry can't help but want to know what Niall said, but both of them have their lips sealed. Harry shakes his head and watches as the two people he likes most talk and giggle amongst themselves, his smile is the first genuine one that he has had for a long while.


Guys, I'm sorry to inform you that there is only one more chapter left (It will be a long one too!) Seeing as how there is so little left, I want you guys to REALLY show your love. I wont put a specific amount on votes or Comments this time... But the comments I read and the number of votes will still influence when the chapter comes out. I've been pretty good with posting about 2 chapters a day, but lets see how much you guys really want that last chapter ;)

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