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Niall sits at his little desk next to a big, burly man with spiky blonde hair. He smiles down at Niall; Niall has started his lessons today and has proved himself to be a brilliant student. The German man's name is Jay Adle, Niall is actually quiet frightened by the mans appearance. He looks like a gangster and he has no idea how his grandfather knows him.

Harry stands in the corner of the room, like a silent butler, his hands behind his back and his head held high. After about forty-five minutes, Harry speaks up.

"It's time for Horse back riding."

Niall looks up with tired eyes and reluctantly agrees, Harry smiles and leads him toward the back yard stables. Harry leaves the boy to his lessons and goes to Mr.Horan who summoned him. The old man stands in front of a huge window, looking out onto the field where his grandson is practicing getting on a horse.

"Harry..." Mr.Horan's voice is low and Harry knows right away he is going to have to do something that none of them will like a single bit....

Tired and annoyed, Niall walks - or rather, limps to his room. He fell off that stupid horse three times, one of those times he must have sprained his ankle. The only good part of that is he got out of Ballroom dancing. He opens the door to his room with a sigh to notice it is different, noticeably so. Sure, all the things that were there before hand were in their places... But his things, his clothes and other stuff he brought from his home in Ireland are missing. He walks in slowly, confused - but then it seems to hit him.

"My guitar." He whispers.

He starts to pick things up, throw them, his eyes frantically searching for his guitar which he knows he put on its stand next to his window. His heartbeat picks up and he can feel a panic attack coming on.

"Harry!?" Niall screams, "Harry!"

A composed curly-headed boy walks in, his face as blank aw it was earlier. He tries to ignore Niall's frantic appearance and focuses on the brace on his ankle.

"What happened, Mr.Horan?"

"Don't call me Mr.Horan!" Niall screeches, waving his hands in the air. "My names Niall. I know that, you know that. Mr.Horan is my grandfather. Have you seen my guitar?"

Harry can't lie to Niall, he bites his lip and nods his head.

"Where is it?"

"Gone." Harry answers, his voice sounding cold to Niall. Niall blinks and shakes his head.

"Gone where, Harry?"

"It's gone, I threw it out. It was getting in the way of your learning, Mr.Horan doesn't like music in the house it brings back bad memories. I had to take it from you, I was also instructed to throw out all of your old clothes."

"You..." Niall falls to the floor, seeming almost life-less. Harry approaches catiously, not sure what to do. He leans down and picks up Niall effortlessly, standing him up infront of him. He doesn't see the slap coming, but he sure as hell feels Niall's power. "You fuckin' bastard!" Niall screams, "You...Get out ! Just Get out."


"I actually liked you, I did." Niall scoffs, "I thought you were different, you were nice. I felt strongly for you and then you turn into a mindless puppet spouting bullshit!"

Harry's eyes widen at Nialls confession, but felt his heart break at the past-tense use. He did like Niall too, that's why he did this. So Niall could be happy in the long run, eventually it will be worth it. That's what Harry thinks.

"But, Niall you have to underst-"

"No, get out. Get out! GET OUT!" Niall shoves his 'butler' out of the room, feeling tired, angry and alone for the first time in a long time. Today was only the first day he was here and it already turned his world upside down and into shit. All because he followed Harry, all because he listened to the words that came out of Harry's mouth. Harry told him he would be happy, but so far he hasn't felt anything but heartbreak and betrayal and he wants nothing more than to go home.

Sorry It's like, really short guys. I have a bit of a writers block >x< ... But leave inputs... Do you hate his grandfather? How about Harry, is he taking this a little to far? Whens the romance!?? All in dear time my lovelies, all in dear time.

So, Keep on commenting and Voting and soon enough the next part will be up ! :)

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