Fyra ༥

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Niall fidgets, staring at the contraption before him. Harry can't seriously be considering that Niall rides that, does he?

"Oh come off it, just get on." Harry sniggers motioning to the back of the motorcycle. Where did Harry even get this? Niall has never seen it in the last two weeks. Harry taps his foot impatiently, before he just groans and grabs Niall by the hips, ignoring the rather loud squeak coming from his mouth and puts him on the motor bike. Niall tries to resist, but Harry is much stronger than he looks.

After a few seconds, Harry climbs on as well and grabs Niall's hands, forcing them around his own waist. Niall doesn't want Harry to know how scared he really is, but his trembling body gives him away - Harry almost considers giving up and going on the tram or something...But then Niall sucks it up and buries his head against the curly-headed lads back and mumbles for him to hurry up and leave. Harry smiles and the two of them start their ride with only the two backpacks that they packed.

The ride seems to take hours, Niall gets more comfortable with the ride as they go. His arms are tight around Harry's waist, making him feel safe. After about an hour, they arrive at the airport. Niall raises an eyebrow at Harry, who just puts his 'rented' bike in a small garage in the back of the airport.

"I thought we were going to see gramps." Niall asks catiously,

"We are, He lives in London." Harry smiles, shouldering his bag and grabbing Niall's hand. Niall is mentally freaking out.

"I don't have a passport." Niall says, frantically.

"You don't need one, we're using your grand father's private jet." Harry says, looking back at him as they walk through the Airport entrance. Niall seems to not want to go on the plane, another thing he is afraid of - Harry thinks.

They walk so slowly it's like they are inching to the plane. Harry is basically dragging Niall to the entranced of the empty plane - which only has the pilot and the air hostess waiting for them. Niall jumps for the middle seat in the middle row, and buckles himself in. Harry rolls his eyes but sits next to the frightened boy.

"Calm down," Harry finally says after ten minutes on the plane. "We only have about a half an hour left until we touch down - there is no problems. It's clear skys."

"I don't like heights," Niall mumbles, "Or closed places with lots of people."

Harry sighs and calls the air hostess on, he then turns to Niall with a smile. "How about some lunch, we haven't eaten all day."

Just as he mentions food, Niall's stomach lets out a loud rumble - Niall nods his head enthusiastically, not even a little embarrassed by the sounds his stomach made. Harry tells the air hostess to give them a little bit of everything and was surprised when Niall ate all of it - leaving barely for Harry.

"Sorry," Niall burps, covering it with a smile. "I'm not good with sharing food."

"It's okay," Harry chuckles, waving it off as he sees Niall's happy expression. "I wasn't that hungry anyway, love."

They both go quiet, both surprised as to what had come out of Harry's mouth. Harry is gay - he always has been and Niall is just about one of the cutest people he has ever met...But, he has only known him for two weeks. He shouldn't be slipping cute pet names into the conversation, but it just happened.

Niall, as he thought before, thinks Harry is a beautiful specimen. He isn't gay, but obviously he isn't very straight either... As a belated response, his cheeks go tinted pink. The whole moment turns awkward, tense.

Soon enough, they touch ground in London. As if it never happened, the two begin to talk again - choosing that it is better to pretend the word was never said. Harry takes his cell phone and calls someone, leaving Niall to look around the airport with curious eyes.

"Come on," Harry says, sliding his IPhone5 into his pocket. "There is a car waiting for us outside."

The two of them shoulder their bags once again and walk out the revolving doors and passed security. As he said, there is a Black Escalade waiting for the pair outside the Airport doors.

They both slide in, Niall a little more awkwardly - maybe even a tad cautious. Niall hasn't been in a car since he had heard about his parent's deaths. Motorcycles are one thing, mopeds too, they're two wheelers - can weave in and out of traffic. Trains are fine - but busses, trucks and cars still scare Niall. It seems like he keeps proving himself to be a wimp, so he tries to suck it up and not show Harry anymore of the weak side of him.

The ride is silent and long, Niall feels himself start to dose off but stops once Harry nudges him.

"We're here." He whispers to the Irish lad.

Niall looks up and sees a giant black iron gate, it opens slowly showing a long driveway that has trees basically hiding the whole .... mansion?! Niall gasps, Harry basically told him that his grandfather was rich, but he didn't expect him to be this rich. The mansion is beautiful...and huge.

The car stops near the front door, Harry gets out first and then helps Niall out - who is flabbergasted' In complete awe. Harry hides his smirk and leads him up to the front door, which opens just as Harry reaches for the knob.

Standing in the doorway is a man that Niall can only describe as Regal. From his Armani suit, Gucci shoes, salt and pepper hair and chiseled features. Niall has never met his grandfather before, has never seen his picture - but he knew right away that this was him. This was the man who raised his father, who disowned his father. This was the man who put Harry on a mission to find him.

"Son." The old man gasps, pulling Niall into a tight hug.

"Wrong generation, grandpa." Niall mumbles into his grandfather's stiff suit. The man chuckles, realizing that the boy is indeed his grandson, he has his father's personality - but his mother's soft features.

"Niall, come in. Harry you are excused, we will talk about your pay later on." The older man waves a reluctant Harry off. Niall looks over at Harry almost shocked, he didn't want to be separated from the only person he knew, or was even close to trusting so soon. "It's fine, Niall, you will see him again after supper."

"Okay." Niall sighs, watching Harry walk off in a different direction.... This was going to be a long day, he could feel it in his bones already.


 Ahehehe. The next chapter will be so much better than this, I was kind of lazy. I had no sleep, none - zip, I'm exhausted. I stayed up waiting and writing. Comments, Questions & Concerns, leave them below.   :) & KEEP VOTING <3

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