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After work, Niall shoulders his guitar case and walks out of the café, waving at Miss May as he goes. A smile starts to grow on his face as he heads off toward the underground railway station, another place he enjoys to spend his time. His shoes make sounds as they travel over the gravel; he slowly hums a familiar tune as he walks down the stairs.

The underground has meaning for Niall, his parents told him so many stories involving this very place. It's where they met; Niall's dad was coming in from Chesire, England - but Niall's mum was playing her guitar in her spot in the underground for loose change. Niall's dad was captivated, it was love at first sight for him. Apparently after that nothing else mattered, he forgot where he was supposed to be going or why, all that mattered was the music playing woman near the railroad tracks.

Niall smiles at the old story as he sits in the very spot his parents first laid eyes on each other. He takes out his guitar and lays his case near his feet. He closes his eyes half way as his fingers strum and he hums along to the music. Once he finally hits the note he waits for, he opens his mouth and begins to sing.

Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you;

by now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do.

I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now.

Backbeat the word was on the street that the fire in your heart is out.

I'm sure you've heard it all before, but you never really had a doubt.

I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now...

Niall smiles at the gathering crowd, nodding his head one of his favorite songs to play. He is glad that the crowd is loving it, he can tell that they are by the sound of dropping silver into his guitar case. More money dedicated to bills and food, even if it's only spare change. He closes his eyes and let the music take him.


And all the roads we have to walk are winding,

and all the lights are blinding.

There are many things that I would like to say to you...

But I don't know how.

 Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me...

And after all -

You're my wonderwall.

Today was gonna be the day, but they'll throw it back to you.

By now you should've somehow realized what you're not to do...

I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now...

And all the roads that lead you there are winding;

And all the roads that light the way are blinding..

There are so many things that I would like to say to you,

But I don't know how...

I said maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me.

And after all,

You're my wonderwall....

Niall repeats the chorus a few more times before that small finish and he opens his eyes to look at the faces that he captivated with his music. They all clap, some have out their video cameras - recording him. Niall waves at a camera and puts his guitar in the case, right over the money - he starts to get ready to leave but stops when his eyes land on a familiar face. He groans and stomps over to the stranger.

"Harry, are you stalking me?" Niall asks, putting his free hand on his hip as his other hand holds his guitar case up. Harry gives Niall a lop-sided grin and leans against the pillar, he opens his mouth to speak but as his words come out a train passes, cutting him off. 

They both watch the old graffiti covered train pass, Niall continues to watch the train as it goes, but Harry turns back to the blonde lad.  When Niall turns back, his eyes are full of questions that Harry was told not to answer.

"Who are you?" Niall crosses his arms, no longer amused.

"I told you before, I'm Harry. Harry Styles." Harry smiles, uncrossing his arms and re-crossing them again.

"Okay, Harry Styles. How do you know my name and all that?" Niall asks, putting his guitar case on the floor.

Out of nowhere, Harry seems to pull the manila folder out from behind his back. Niall rolls his eyes and takes the folder, re-reading all of the information in it. Niall glares at Harry and folds the files, stuffing it into his pocket.

"Where did you get this?" He asks, eyebrow raised.

"From someone who has been looking for you, for a long time." Harry scratches the back of his neck, he bites his lip to stop a smile. "I've been sent to look for you."

Niall blinks, confused. "Like who?"

"Family." Harry answers smiling, "Your family."

"I don't have any family left." Niall rolls his eyes, he is done with this conversation. He starts to walk out of the underground and head home, but Harry quickly follows behind him. "My parents died, I'm all that's left."

"You're grandfather!" Harry answers, not wanting to give up. "Your dad's dad, he is looking for you."

"My dad's dad." Niall muses, tapping his chin with his finger as he walks up to his front door. "Oh, Oh!"

Niall then turns to Harry, "You mean the man who disowned my father for falling in love with a commoner."


"No, you listen here. If my grandfather really wanted to find me, don't you think he should have come here himself? Or rather, don't you think he should have gone to his sons wedding, his funeral?" Harry could not help but notice the fire burning behind Niall's eyes. Harry tries to speak but Niall opens the front door and then slams it in Harrys face.

Harry groans behind the closed door, pressing his head against the cool wood. He glares at his feet. He thought this would be an easy job, who wouldn't want to go move in with their super wealthy family member and live in the lap of luxury? Well, apparently not Niall. Harry can't give up, his mum's life depends on Niall going to his grandfathers.

HEY GUYS - Can I Get 1O Votes on this, as soon as I get 1O I will post the next chapter :)  & Whoever leaves the best comment will get a dedication ! :D SHOW ME SOME LOVE MY FAITHFUL FANS WHO I ADORE SO MUCH . (You guys are literally awesome.)

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