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CHAPPIE 1 :) Tell me what you think ? FEEDBACK is welcome. Comments & Votes pleassee !

It's raining again in Mullingar, Ireland.

Niall watches the little beads of rain drip down the window sill as he sits on his wooden rocking chair, strumming on his old acoustic guitar. His house is quiet, as usual. It's been dark and damper since his parents past away two years before. He shouldn't even be living here, according to the law, but he some how found a way around it.

Niall sighs as he looks at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room as it chimes six times.

"Fuckin' Hell," He groans, not really wanting to get up and officially start his day. He carefully puts his mother's guitar on it's stand as he goes to take a shower. He has always been an early riser, but rather than actually associating with the outside world, Niall would much rather just sit in front of the window and strum on his guitar until the day ends again.

But, of course that's now how life works out. Being a young adult with no parents to financially support him, Niall has to go to work every morning to be able to pay the bills and put food on his table. He sheds his clothes quickly lets the already heated water hit his skin. His breaths in and forces down a shiver as his body adapts. He quickly washes up before hopping back out and dressing in his uncomfortable work clothes.

As he walks to his door, he contemplates bringing his guitar. After about five minutes of a mental debate with himself he shrugs and grabs the case, already making plans for after work. A small smile is on his lips as he walks down the stairs and out onto the dirty streets.

He might not live in the best part of town, but this is where all of his memories are. His mum and dad lived here and raised him up. He loves it here, muggy air and all.

Niall yawns as he makes his way into the small café where he works from seven to three, four days a week. The owner, Miss May greets Niall with a large smile as he walks past her into the back room. He puts his guitar in his locker and skips back into the front room, where Miss May has several cakes and pastries out for him with a cup of tea on the side. Niall smirks as he slides into the seat, shoving an unfamiliar one into his already watering mouth. As he chews his face lights up.

"What was that?" He asks, chewing with a gleeful expression that he only ever has when food is involved.

"That is a new recipe," Miss May winks, taking the used plates away. "It's called Sugar Crisps."

"It's bloody amazing." Niall smiles, his honesty showing.

Miss May and Niall are really close, Niall's father used to work for Miss May when he was a teenager - before he met Niall's mum. After Niall was born, the small family would come to this café for breakfast every morning. Miss May was always there for Niall, especially after his parent's died in a huge car crash two years before. She jumped at the chance to take Niall in, but Niall refused not wanting to have to depend on the elderly woman - he could be a lot to handle. But, he did not reject the offer to work at his favorite café. How could he? He loves it here.

Miss May ruffles Niall's hair and shoos him off, it was time to start his shift.

Niall rolls his eyes, but picks up his plates and cup, washing them before he goes out and stands behind the counter. Miss May lets him man the register while she stays in the backroom watching her early morning Dr.Who reruns.

Niall sits on his stool, fingers tapping to a non-existent beat as he watches over the slow and empty café. Seven in the morning is always the slow shift, but Miss May insists that Niall sits out here to bore himself to death. He would much rather be playing his guitar, but it gives Miss May a headache so early in the morning. The only time his music can fill this café is on Saturday evenings, in the middle of the after-dinner-rush.

Niall slumps in his seat, letting his dyed blonde hair fall over his face as he lays his cheek on the cool surface of the counter.

'another long day ahead of me' is what he thinks as he taps his fingers next to his face. He shuts his eyes, hoping bored out of his mind already. After a year of working here, with the same shift every time he comes in, you would think Niall would have started bringing things to keep him entertained during the first slow hours of work. He contemplated laying down in one of the booths near the entrance. The breakfast rush is over, he always misses it. Sometimes, there is a few stragglers - but its summer vacation, there is no rushing school kids trying to catch a quick breakfast. Niall sighs, shaking his head.

the bell over the door jingles and Niall picks up his head to look at the costumer. He blinks a few times, hoping his eyes aren't playing tricks on him as he lays them on a very handsome lad.

The boy walks in almost elegantly, his long legs taking him straight up to the counter. Niall has to make sure he isn't drooling as he looks at him, never has he seen a guy who would be fitted for a magazine model as this guy. His curly brown locks look styled, yet at the same time disheveled. His bright hazel eyes look endless, Niall could get lost in them if he tried. \

Now, Niall never really thought of himself as gay...He actually has never been interested in anyone sexually, but this guy makes Niall question everything.

"Ehem." the handsome lad fakes a cough, trying to catch Niall's attention.

Niall snaps out of whatever phase he was in, not even a bit embarrassed to be caught blatantly checking the costumer out. He just shrugs and gives him a slow smile, leaning forward.

"What can I get'cha?" Niall asks, showing off his straight teeth, that he has because of braces.

"I'm Harry." The tall lad introduces himself, holding out one of his big hands.

Niall looks down at the hand and then back up at the lad, Harry, he catiously takes his hand and shakes it.

"Niall." He nods, leaning back in his seat.

"I know." Harry says, giving the blonde a slow smile. "I know a lot about you, actually."

Now, if Harry wasn't such a dashing lad, Niall might have been a little scared. He squints his eyes and rolls his shoulders.

"That's....weird." Niall murmurs, but then stands up. "Is there something you want?"

"Well, yes." Harry leans back on the heels of his shoes.

"Okay, what?" Niall goes over to the case of pastries. "We has Danish, cupcakes. I could get you a Cup of tea, or some Coffee?"

"No, I don't mean anything to eat." Harry chuckles, he leans toward the Irish lad. "I want to have talk with you, Mr.Horan."

"How'd ya' know my-"

"I already told you," Harry sniggers, putting the file that his employer gave to him on the counter. "I know a lot about you, Niall."

Niall look in the strangers eyes, then down at the manila folder. He grabs the folder and opens it, only to see his face staring right back at him. There is a recent picture of him, probably only a few days old on the top of a thick stack of hand written papers. He quickly flicks through, noticing that everything in these papers are about him. His age, his full name, his birthday - his favorite food and places he likes to hang out... His friends, his boss, his parents. He slams the folder shut and glares at Harry.

 "What is this?"

"Niall?" Miss May comes into the room, wiping her hands on her apron. She immediately looks at the costumer, then back to Niall. She can smell a problem from a mile away and she just walked into a big one. "Is there a problem, Dear?"

Niall looks at Miss May then back to Harry. He glares and tilts his head to the side.

"I don't know, is there?" He asks Harry through clenched teeth.

"No." Harry sighs, "No problem here."

Harry quickly collects the folder, and looks Niall in the eyes.

"See you soon, Mr.Horan."

With that, the stranger who knows a little to much walks out of the café... Niall knows it wont be the last of him, but he knows next time Harry comes around him...He will be the one getting answers.

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