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Niall rolls over in bed, his eyes burning behind his eyelids, hurting from a night of barely any sleep. He looks over to the door, where Harry is standing in a suit. He blinks, confused.

"What are you doing here?" Niall grumbles, sitting up. "Aren't you supposed to be working in the kitchen?"

"I asked for a change in jobs." Harry shrugged. "I'm watching over you now, like a personal butler."

"But-" Niall groans, "I don't need a personal butler, I don't need you."

Niall gets up off his bed, his sheet slipping off him slowly as he goes. Harry is cool-faced, not even looking down at Niall's shirtless body. Niall looks at Harry, standing motionless at the door and sighs.

"I need to get dressed," He says, motioning Harry to leave. Harry nods and closes the door behind him quietly. Niall doesn't like the new Harry; he slowly and lazily gets dressed. He hasn't even decided if he wants to stay yet and Harry is already his personal butler? That's crazy, Niall sighs, pulling out his cellphone to call Miss May. It rings twice and then Miss May answers, as cheery as ever.

"Niall, dear! How are you, enjoying yourself, when will you be back?"

"I don't know," Niall rubs his neck, chuckling. "Soon, hopefully."

"Don't say that sweets, it's family. Enjoy your time with your grandfather." Miss May smiles from the other side of the phone. "I am fine here, I have other workers to do your job for you."

They continue speaking while Niall gets dressed, he is uncomfortable in the expensive clothes in his closet so he just puts on a pair of his jeans and a white tee-shirt that he packed. He says his goodbyes to Miss May and hangs up, walking out of his room and bumping into Harry.

"It's time for breakfast right?" Niall asks, already walking to the dining room.

"Yes, breakfast is waiting for you on the table." Harry says, quietly.

The pair make it to the room quickly, Niall sits down and Harry stands behind him. Niall practically drools about all the food around, the pastries, the pancakes - Niall digs in quickly. His grandfather walks in, sitting in the same chair as yesterday. He raises an eyebrow at Niall, looking at his outfit, the way he is eating, everything.

"Niall." His grandfather raises an eyebrow. "Yesterday, I said nothing - because you had just returned. But today is a different story. That is not proper etiquette, your eating is sloppy - your clothes are...." He waves a few fingers, his expression not amused.

"What about my clothes?" Niall asks, eyebrow raised looking down at his is clothes.

"They're not fit for the heir of a trillion dollar fortune." Mr.Horan chuckles, "You need to throw out all your old clothes, fix up your manners and learn to eat politely."

"You're asking me to change who I am?" Niall asks confused.

"Exactly that." His grandfather says, patting his thin lips with the silk napkin.

Niall looks at h the Silent Harry, who is standing in the corner of the room - his expression is guarded. Niall then looks back to his grandfather and shakes his head.

"That's now who I am, I can't change like that." Niall says, shaking his head. "I am who I am, I'm not just going to change because you want me too. I don't think this is going to work out, I'm going home."

Mr.Horan chuckles at that, which makes Niall look at him like he is crazy. The old man shakes his head and waves Harry over, he hands Mr.Horan and file.

"See, son. That is impossible. I'm sorry, but this is your home."

"No, my home is in Ireland, where my parents lived." Niall says, a little ticked off.

"That home is no longer there," Mr.Horan slips the file infront of Niall, who opens the folder right away looking over the pictures in awe.

"This-" Niall looks over the picture, it is an empty lot with a very familiar background, he feels his heartbreaking as he looks up with realization.

"I bought the property that house was on months ago, it's quite funny how you never found out. But, I waited until you were here." Mr.Horan sighs, leaning back in his chair. "You have no where to go to. Here is your only choice."

Niall silently gets up from his chair, glaring at his grandfather as tears go down his face. He has no words for the old man as he storms out of the room, slamming the heavy wooded door behind him. Harry flinches at the sound of the door connecting with the wall. He glares down at Mr.Horan.

"Now, don't give me that face, boy." Mr.Horan sighs, rubbing his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "You may think what I did was cruel, but it had to be done."

"Maybe it did." Harry agrees, dropping his glare and looking at the door. "But you didn't have to go about it like that."

Harry then walks out the same door Niall left from and follows him to his room. As he stands in front of Niall's room - he hears thrashing about, crashing around and loud cries.

Inside the room, Niall is throwing a hissy fit. His new clothes are all being thrown all over the place, furniture is been turned over. Harry puts his hand on the doorknob, wanting to calm Niall down but stops when he hears the soft strumming of music and Niall's soft voice singing a sad song that Harry doesn't recognize.

Harry can't interrupt this moment, so he slides down against the wall and just listens.

Niall's eyes are closed as he lets his feelings be poured into his music, his heartbreak. That house was more than just a place he lived - it held all his memories. It was his parents first, only home. It is wear he took his first steps, where he first learnt how to talk. Outside is where he learned how to ride a bike. His whole life consisted in that house and now it was gone.

After the music stops, Niall sighs - feeling a little better.

"You can come in now, Harry." Niall mumbles.

Harry walks in, closing the door quietly behind him. He sees a broken boy on his bed, his guitar clutched to his chest. Harry wants nothing more than to go over there and comfort Niall, but he knows he can't. Even though he has feelings for the boy, he can't do anything about them because it will affect Niall. He walks slowly to the boy and puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He does not like how Mr.Horan went about telling Niall, or the fact that he was actually quite rude. But he is glad that he could be here to pick up the pieces.

"What's first on the schedule?" Niall asks in a small voice, he decided that his grandfather is right. He has no where to go, nothing to do. He might as well try, no matter how much he hates it.

Harry is silent for a minute and then jumps in shock, digging a piece of paper out of his pocket. "Uh, German." Harry is ashamed that he didn't already memorize this, he is already doing a crappy job.

Niall nods and picks up some clothes off the floor and changes, not caring that Harry is there. Once in the more expensive clothes he motions for Harry to lead the way - and that is what he does. \

HI HI , Okay guys :) It's a bit late but here you go ! 1O votes until next chapter. :) COMMENT AND STUFF !

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