Chapter two

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I stood up in defiance "we can talk about it a million times but i still won't."

"I was worried sick when lee called me" he continued harshly disregarding my words "He thought something had happened to you as the management tried to open the restroom door only to find you gone" he was practically yelling right now "Through the window."

"Worried" i folded my hands across my chest "Correction embarrassed" i snapped with heavy sarcasm "It sounds more like you nearly died of embarrassment."

"You are going to marry him and that's final" his voice was cool as he managed to subdue his temper.

"If you want this partnership so bad why don't you marry him."  i shouted across the room and it fell akwardly silent all of a sudden.

"Can the two of you stop it" lincons tone was hush "Try having a decent conversation for once." he added grimly.

Ever since mum died this is how it has been between us, we never used to get along most of the time but mum made it easier she held both our hearts we would do anything for her but after her death we stopped trying.

"I'm done talking" i grabbed my bag that was lying on the floor near the couch and ran upstairs.

"You're grounded the entire week, it's straight home after school" his voice trailed off.

I  slammed my bedroom door and threw the bag on my make-up table, it slid across pushing everything on its path to the floor "Urgh! now i have to clean that up."

I hate this, i hate my life, i hate everything when i'm eighteen i'll run away to another state where he can't find me and i'll leave him to marry lee *evil laugh* that was brilliant where did  that even come from, the look on his face was to die for.

After cleaning up the mess i made, i hopped into bed and pulled out my earphones from beneath my pillow all i need now is good music.Music always worked for me whenever i was in a bad mood it made me less cranky.


"Wake up sunshine" lincon said drawing the curtains to my room and the sun rays hit every inch, it was morning already i felt like i slept for less than an hour.

"Your so annoying" i groaned and slid between the sheets.

"It's your first day of senior year, you wouldn't want to be late" he sat on my bed "I'll drop you off, you gave me the urge to see your rival what was her name again" he grinned broadly.

I threw off the covers with a wide smile on my face "But you know her" I so love this guy."Okay" i lifted up both my hands submissively and he left the room, i quickly showered got dressed and did all my usual morning routine (brushing my teeth, putting on make-up) then ran downstairs.

"You wear uniform?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

I walked over to him at the breakfast table "Sadly in Chester academy we do, the school's motto is social equality" i said sarcastically.

He chuckled "Who came up with that?"

"Our principal Mr. kleen, i think it's thoughtful or else the many queen bees would turn the school into a fashion house." i smiled contentedly.

"You're not having breakfast?" he asked handing me the coffee mug.

"No" i guestured for him to put it down as i shook my head "still not into coffee, i still can't stand the bitter flavour."

"Well, i can make you scrambled eggs" he suggested.

I have a fetish for eggs, actually anything that's made with eggs "Maybe later after school since i'm grounded" i rolled my eyes.

He picked up his coat and put it on "We should get going then" he said and finished off his coffee.

The drive to school was fun we talked, listened to music  and talked some more it was always easy for me to be around Lincon partly because he was my brother but mostly because he didn't expect much from me and wasn't in the whole social class bullshit unlike almost everyone i know.

When we got to the parking lot i could see them waiting for me this was what we always did, wait for each other it was an actual routine that i definitely needed a break from.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he offered with a caring expression.

"No thanks, i got this" i said in a dry tone "It's not like i'm scared of her or anything." i looked out of the window and gave her a blank stare.

"I'll come pick you up, text me when your classes are over" he gave me a light kiss on the cheek, i got out of the car and he drove off.

"Hey Dawn" Amanda called loudly waving her hand at me "Come."

I lazily walked to where they stood "Hey" i replied and plastered what would pass for a pleasant smile.

"Hey too" Becka is always cheery "I was just showing out my new phone it's the latest brand" and a brag.

Daya rolled her eyes "We know that already, but before the end of the week everyone in school will have it that's why trends suck." she said tonelessly.

That's so mean to say out loud but i totally agree.

"My parents are out of town today and i want to throw a party" daya said as we walked towards class.

"Did someone say party?" Rhydin sneaked up behind us, he's one of the coolest guys in school i'd date him any day he's the only guy i'd actually consider dating.

"Yeah tonight" i told him as he placed his hand over my shoulders.

"I'll go only if you are" he winked at me, he was such a flirt with all his good looks i couldn't blame him what a waste.

"I can't i'm grounded" i whispered, it was only meant for him to hear.

"I'm not surprised" Daya stopped and turned towards us "The two of you are always at each others throats, it was bound to get to this" she said eyeing me "don't worry though, i'll make sure every detail is posted on the school site for you to read, i'll include photos" she adds with an intimidating smile.

You've crossed the line, i'm so gonnna slap that smile of your face.


(Uploaded a picture of Zewen lee, check him out in chapter one.)

Press the small star below and see the magic....... don't i just love you


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