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Dedicated to loader95... the username though ;) ha! You actually voted on all the chapters (that didn't go unnoticed) thanks #Mr. Cc

     (Not edited)

The distant buzzing rang repeatedly with an irritating rythm that I couldn't seem to shake off and I snugged down under the beddings trying to ignore it.  I jolted from sleep as the covers were whipped off me exposing my bare arms and legs to the cold morning air.

"You have to get this" Cassy said  waving my buzzing phone to my face. The curtains were drawn and I had to squint my eyes at the sunlight streaming into the room.

"Why do you have my phone?" I asked struggling to a sitting position and snatched it from her. I smoothed a hand over my head seeing as to how her thick golden brown hair looked like a bird's nest.

"My phone went off and I couldn't seem to find a charger in this mess" she said gesturing to Ashley's room.

Clothes were all over, from her couch that was positioned just below her bay window to a section of the floor,  some recklessly draped on the closet doors are those my jeans? Her computer desk on the far left was covered in books, folders and magazines.

"And your phone was just lying there starring at me and I couldn't resist" she explained as I glared at her. I really need to make use of my privacy settings.   "I swear I only watched videos" she went on as my phone started buzzing again "I'm sorry" she added through gritted teeth.

I disregarded her apology by picking up the call "Get your ass out of bed" Elsie shouted through the earpiece.

"I'm up" I said groaning. Cassy got off the bed her back to me and I couldn't help but give her the stink eye. She was dressed in pink leggings and a white tank top.

"I'll be there in a few"

"But -"

"I don't want to hear it Dawn" She cut off my protest.

"At least give me one hour twenty minutes, tops" I said

"Cool, don't even think of bailing on me" She said then hang up. I slumped back on the bed my head landing on the soft pillow

"I'm about to leave too I can give you a ride" Cassy suggested "To make up for what I did"

I thought about it and I really didn't have much of a choice. Ashley doesn't have a car and I'm not even sure if Denise was back yet. "Okay. How you feeling?"

"Terrible" she said settling on the arm of the couch "But I'll get over it right? just one day at a time"

I was debating whether to say something cheesy or not when we heard shouting, more like Ashley's raised voice but her words were muffled. Cassy raised her eyebrows at me walking to the door and peered into the hall.

"The fuck, get it out of your head" Denise's equally raised tone was clearly heard as it echoed around the room.

Cassy shut the door and their argument was muffled once again. "You have to go in there" she suggested. 

"No!" I shook my head at her.

"They are you're friends" she said walking towards me "And they might be killing each other as we speak"

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